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hey everyone!
im starting a few different chillis from seed soon
and i wanted to know what your best germinating method is?
the variety's i will have soon are

bhut jolokia
dorset morich
aussie black
orange habanero (later in season)

This is my first year growing and starting for seed, but I had good success with the 72 cell seed starting trays and ProMix soil. I kept the room that they were in around 80 degrees and left the lid on them only taking it off for about 1 - 2 hours per day. Once several seedlings pop up I removed the lid completely. I then placed my shoplights as close to the plants as possible without touching.

This method seemed to work for me...
Keep 'em warm and moist and they should germinate.

I use 15 oz plastic cups filled with a commercial seed starting mix that has no fertilizer in it. The cups are put in plastic containers and placed on a seed starting mat. I don't worry about light for the first few days, but after 5 or 6 days, I put he lights on them because I want good light on the seedlings as soon as they germinate. I use shop lights with fluorescent bulbs that can be raised or lowered as needed.

Once the plants are 4 or 5 inches tall and the weather outside is warming up, I move the seedlings outside to a cold frame with a netted cover that protects them from direct sunlight to start hardening off.