I finally got the grow shelf put up today. I will be starting the super hots in a 72 cell via peat pellets(yes using peat pellets). I attached the lights( two 40 watt fluro 4 footers) and put the dome on over the cells and dropped a temperature gauge inside. This was just a dry run, the cells were empty. Within 45 minutes the temp reached 96.5(F). The outside room temp was 76. I then shut off the lights and put a heat mat under the cell tray and put the dome back on. The temp stayed right around 85 degrees. Should I just germinate with the heat matt under the cells and without the lights? Then once I start seeing sprouts, remove the lid and put them under the lights? I saw a member say once that in his experience once you remove the lid, the seeds that have not come up do not have much of a chance. So I was also curious about that statement and would like some experienced growers feedback on rather this is the case or not. I wanted to start under the lights and then once I saw some sprouts, lift the dome a little until more seeds sprouted, then completely remove the dome once I had a good stand of sprouts. However, doing it this way will mean germinating at over 96 degrees and that just seems to hot. Advice? Thanks.