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Getting a good root system...Peppers and Basil

Well I have been growing in these white pots for almost a year. I have been really happy with the roots at the time of transplant. I just transplanted this Sweet Basil to a larger pot to give to a friend.



I will post some pepper root pics too, I just didn't have any on my iPad. My father and grandfather always taught me this is a healthy root system. Now with the internet there are a lot more people out there to get opinions and expertise from.

How does this root system look to everyone else?

I love the white pots with the air holes on the side and bottom. Perfect for air pruning. I also like the white to see if there is any onset of algae or such. The potting soil is Sunshine #4. If you have not tried it, then get some. Comes from the land north (Canada). Most local hydroponics shops carry it or can order it.
Looks ok.  For a year of growth I might have expected it to be a little more root bound.  Does it smell fresh? or does it smell swampy?

One thing is for sure... they would enjoy a bigger pot.
edit: oh and i just realized those were basil roots... so I dont know about thier root development.
Noah Yates said:
Looks ok.  For a year of growth I might have expected it to be a little more root bound.  Does it smell fresh? or does it smell swampy?
One thing is for sure... they would enjoy a bigger pot.
edit: oh and i just realized those were basil roots... so I dont know about thier root development.
This Basil plant is only about 30 days old. I cut it and cloned it in water. Once it got roots, time for potting soil. Once in soil I feed it 8-4-4 Tomato fertilizer. This thing really has taken off. I have had to cut the flower blooms off. I don't want it to go to seed.

1 week in the water, 3 weeks in potting soil. It does not smell musty. Smells like wet potting soil. No sign of algae either.
McGuiver said:
This Basil plant is only about 30 days old. I cut it and cloned it in water. Once it got roots, time for potting soil. Once in soil I feed it 8-4-4 Tomato fertilizer. This thing really has taken off. I have had to cut the flower blooms off. I don't want it to go to seed.

1 week in the water, 3 weeks in potting soil. It does not smell musty. Smells like wet potting soil. No sign of algae either.
Just a quick tip...try a 9-3-6 fert for all your leafy plants or vegetative stages.
I have tried many a fertalizer. I've tried to stick with one brand.

When I first get a new fertalizer, I grow 6 identical plants. I then water them on the same day. The only difference, one only gets RO water & Cal-Mag, and the others are 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, & 100% recommended solution. If I burn and it does not survive it goes to my compost pile.

I use the Big Grow fert from Fox Farms.


It is 6-4-4 fert. I add Cal-Mag which is 1-0-0 (I double the Cal-Mag, which comes out to 8-4-4.

When my stuff is ready to bloom, I take that 8-4-4 mix and add 0-10-10 bloomer fert. It is now 8-14-14, or sometimes I double the 0-10-10 for a total of 8-24-24. I have had to do this with trial and error to get my stuff right. I now have something I am very comfortable with.

What do you recommend for 9-3-6? What brand do you use? I also have 1-1-1 root fert for seedlings. I want to have fert in bulk, just not 20 bottles of liquid. Maybe 4 or 5 max.

I have tried bat guano, but end up burning almost everything but Avocado trees and citrus.

Thanks for the recommendation. Let me know what brand you use. When I mix my fert, my wife calls it my chemistry set.