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Getting cold

So I am getting temps in the 40's the next bunch of days. Problem is, some of my naga morich, fatali and bhut's are Green and I can't move my plants. What should I do?
If you think you might get down to the freezing mark, blanket your plants over night with sheets or even newspaper.

That's the best I got... But it works.
consider it an opportunity to prune off any limbs that may die as a result.

my plants have to survive in the heat of summer, and so they are a little more touchy about the cold... Florida summer is no joke... Too much heat, direct sunlight (not as much as people to the south, but more than anyone to the north of me)- thus stronger sunlight, and constantly being over-watered... they stay pretty stressed needless to say.
40's at night might produce a few lemp leaves, but they should be just fine. Low 40's mid 30's might require some protection like a old cotton sheet, just to keep any moisture from forming crystals on 5the leaves.