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Ghengis Khan Brain

Hello everyone, I was just seeing if any body has any experience with this pepper. I saw seeds for sale through fords fiery foods and decided to order some. It's supposedly f6 and was made by Italian growersand It looks pretty gnarly but can't find too much info on it. If anyone has tried one or tried growing it please feel free to chime in.
I'm growing some for the first time this year. Have two, but here's the bigger one as of a couple days ago. I got the seeds from Refining Fire Chiles. There's some info there, but probably the same you already have.
I grew this last year along with the Apocalypse.H. Font released these for AIASP to raise funds for ongoing projects.The GKB and Apocalypse are very nice and very hot.The GKB in my opinion are hotter.Yes the seeds released last year were f5.I believe a few other members here at THP grew them as well.
cruzzfish said:
I never heard of this before, but I need it. Thank you so much for letting me know it exists.
If you want to try the GKB this season pm me i believe i have a few seeds in a baggie around here someplace.
I grew Genghis Khan`s Brain and Apocalypse in 2015, seeds direct from AIASP in Italy. Both are F6, I think. However, both also gave very variable results in terms of phenotypes. I know 20-30 people who grew them both and they were all over the place. A few actually got purple plants for Apocalypse, for instance. 
In my case, I was severely underwhelmed and got somewhat generic red superhots. In all honesty, I`m not sure if I even bothered to take photos. I`ll look.
I also added this to my 2016 growlist.
Pics will be on my glog mid-summer.
I am trying out the Apocalypse as well.
Nigel said:
I grew Genghis Khan`s Brain and Apocalypse in 2015, seeds direct from AIASP in Italy. Both are F6, I think. However, both also gave very variable results in terms of phenotypes. I know 20-30 people who grew them both and they were all over the place. A few actually got purple plants for Apocalypse, for instance. 
In my case, I was severely underwhelmed and got somewhat generic red superhots. In all honesty, I`m not sure if I even bothered to take photos. I`ll look.
Do you have any idea what it's crossed with?
I am growing one out now and it looks like the pheno online and is really fat in my hand. It seems to go from green to orange, then to red. Mine are in orange stage now. I don't eat superhots straight so won't be able to give you details on that. My plant is short and stocky. Seems to be a heavy feeder too. Very very bumpy pods. I will send a pic soon or you can see it on my youtube channel if interested. Mine look more gnarly than the picture from refiningfire I posted. I got my seeds from them. My pod is just as large as the one in the pic though.


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I know this post is way old, but I grow GKBs. They have an amazing flavor, and have a great heat profile.
My experience and many others who've tried mine have the same experience.
Center of Chest warmth, Forehead warmth, eye socket area sweat, esophagus warmth, and nose running/clearing.
Warmth isn't to be confused with burn. The burn is mostly contained in the mouth, and isn't much on the tongue. It's just an over all gum, cheek, and roof of the mouth (the latter is variable, likely due to what you've ate or drank in the past day or two).
Hope you guys enjoyed your GKBs. It's so far my favorite. Habenaros are like water to me now LOL!
Also I make them into powders mostly, because fresh just don't last long enough. Powders almost reach each of the two harvests here in Florida, for my couple of plants keep at a time.
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I know this post is way old, but I grow GKBs. They have an amazing flavor, and have a great heat profile.
My experience and many others who've tried mine have the same experience.
Center of Chest warmth, Forehead warmth, eye socket area sweat, esophagus warmth, and nose running/clearing.
Warmth isn't to be confused with burn. The burn is mostly contained in the mouth, and isn't much on the tongue. It's just an over all gum, cheek, and roof of the mouth (the latter is variable, likely due to what you've ate or drank in the past day or two).
Hope you guys enjoyed your GKBs. It's so far my favorite. Habenaros are like water to me now LOL!
Also I make them into powders mostly, because fresh just don't last long enough. Powders almost reach each of the two harvests here in Florida, for my couple of plants keep at a time.
When you add such great info to a thread it's no longer old! Thanks for the update!!!