food Ghetto Gourmet!

Thought it'd be fun to hear how y'all "pretty up" otherwise mediocre foods.

I'll start with ghetto gourmet pizza - last night had folks over, didn't have much to work with.

I had a supermarket frozen pepperoni pizza (not a fancy brand, more "emergency appetizer") - on hand I had some aged cheddar, a yellow onion, half a bell pepper, a Moruga scorpion, a chicken-apple sausage leftover from breakfast, a little fresh Mozzerrela and a little aged Parmesan.

Loaded that sucker up, grated the cheddar & sprinkled it on top - baked it a few mins longer than instructed as it was thicker, and ill be damned - it tasted really really good! Almost indistinguishable from a much higher quality pizza. An man - one scorpion diced finely & baked in makes a hot mamma jammy of a pizza!! :woohoo:

Today I went ghetto gourmet with breakfast. "Leftover Chicken Chili Rellenos" - Pablano chilis, stuffed with jack cheese, leftover rotisserie chicken. Scrambled eggs with (leftover) heavy whipping cream, added a solid pinch of sicman's jalapeño powder, black pepper, 2 cloves minced garlic & sea salt.

Soaked the stuffed chilies in the scrambled egg mix for about 10 mins, placed them in a small deep Pyrex bake pan and cooked at 350 for 35 mins. I k ownit's hardly a real or traditional chili relleno, but holy yum!!!

Whatcha got? Frito-chili? Fancied up tuna? Lets hear it!

(I hope this is the right forum - looking for "ghetto gourmet " recipes with something spicy as an ingredient)
for me, it's all about the side dishes, the stuff that compliments the meat............ of course, one could live a pretty good life just eating my side dishes.

mixed bean salad:
1 can of 6 bean mix(chick pea,red & white kidney,blackeyed,romano,lima)....... walmart $ .68.
1 stick of celery chopped to the size of kidney bean.......................................... $1.27 for the stock.if there are eight sticks .15 cents
1 diced red onion................................................................................................$ .89 /lb, just use a slice, so if your onion is 1 lb, about 20 cents worth.
sprinkle of dried basil and oregano (since you are just using a sprinkle if both packages cost $2 each.... maybe 10cents
splash of extra virgin olive oil (i get a 1 litre jug for $6.47..... so what would 1/4cup be 50ml...would be about .35cents
splash of balsamic vinegar (cheap walmart variety) guessing .15 cents worth.

toss it all together and let it sit, and that is a 540 mL tasty mixed bean salad for $ 1.58. that would easily feed 4-6 pigs!

i wouldn't hog all the space with my ghetto fixins, there are lots more, tons more, i'll just watch this thread and add new recipes as required, looking forward to reading more ghetto meals that i can incorporate into my repertoire.

good low budget eating to all
I'm the king of ghetto gourmet at my house! Other night I couldn't find any leftovers, and of course the woman hadn't fixed me anything for when I got home. Throw some penne in the pot, while that's cookin I throw a diced bhut and some chopped garlic in with some olive oil to brown. When the noodles r done I strained them, added a little bit of parmasean cheese, red wine vinegar, and my olive oil and peppers and garlic! Great meal, simple and little effort! I love rummaging the storeroom when there's nothing planned and putting together something that just comes to me!
Looking for a pic of the pizza now...I was sure I snapped one thinking of a topic like this.

time please...


OK, here's the Ghetto Gourmet pizza - also had some chopped up leftover BBQ chicken on it.


Sauced & ready to go!

Now Dammit.

This sounds a lot like the "Pimp my cheapass pizza" thread.
But I suppose when your car gets broken into, and the culprit leaves his phone in your car,
THAT'S ghetto! So here's something you and your hobo friends can heat up on a 50 gal drum fire.
As long as you have gloves with no fingers to use a P-38...

Ghetto Chili:
1can Diced Toms with green chiles
1 can refried beans
1 can Nalley Jalapeño chili
Cumin, Garlic powder, Super hot powder, and Tortilla chips, (Tostino's Scoops seem pretty ghetto :) )
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm grounds for divorce XXX on one slice. yum!

Now Dammit.

This sounds a lot like the "Pimp my cheapass pizza" thread.
But I suppose when your car gets broken into, and the culprit leaves his phone in your car,
THAT'S ghetto! So here's something you and your hobo friends can heat up on a 50 gal drum fire.
As long as you have gloves with no fingers to use a P-38...

Ghetto Chili:

Worst recipe I ever seen.

I never saw the pimp my ghetto pizza topic.

this isn't limited to pizza though. :woohoo:
Dog! had to put a drool bucket under my mouth after that pic!

here, not as nice as your end product but here is the bean salad, must have had a brainfart, i do put in garlic & minced ginger, the orange colour is orange manzano, so the price hinges around $1.98:

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]and of course the woman hadn't fixed me anything for when I got home. Throw some penne in the pot....[/background]
i would be nothing but skin and bone if i waited for my wife to make me a meal! let me fantasize, you got your penne at walmart!

not to dwell on just one recipe..........

cabbage is cheap and absolutely good for you, its got everything to keep you alive for a very long time. sometimes i get excited when i see red cabbage on sale for .49/lb and buy a small head.

chopped, this wonder inexpensive cruciferous vegetable is dropped into a skillet with olive oil, chopped ginger, chopped garlic, chopped onion, a small handful of raisins, how about some ajwain seed or cumin. let this simmer on low for less than 5 minutes, go to the fridge and splash in some orange juice and shut her down and it is ready for your plate. feel like the cabbage is a little lonely in the pan, slice up some kale ($1.27) to add dark green colour. don't have orange juice, check if you have some homemade red wine or beer, these things were just meant to go together. no ajwain or cumin, then go for ground cloves to spark it up, can't find raisins anywhere in the house, just grab and apple and chop it in............................ so many groovy things you can do with this 5 minute ghetto side dish.

................ beets.............who eats beets? people certainly don't........ well, i am not rich and this root vegetable sells for .79/lb. free if you grow it in your garden like i do:
take a bulb or two and just drop them into simmering water for 45 minutes. cut the stem off, peel the outer skin, chop it into thumb size chunks, splash with lemon juice concentrate($2.00 for a large jug at walmart or .79cents for the small lemon container size), sprinkle on some black pepper or any pepper for that matter and another quick side dish to dawn your plate. i just love the taste of this sweet juicy root.

sometimes, when i am in my favourite ethnic grocery store, i see bok choy on sale, better if it is baby bok choy but i take whichever is cheapest. so quick to make, oil in a pan, garlic and in goes the choy, 2 minutes is all it takes to make a ghetto oriental side dish. of course feel free to doctor it up, if you have the things on hand. like sesame seed oil or sesame seeds sprinkled on top. or for .95cents you can get a can of mini corns, this simmered in the garlic oil first then add the, after you get a whiff of the sesame seed oil blended with sweet choy smell, you will want to make your significant-other refer to you Lucky Dog Li for the evening.

one main theme in just about all my recipes is NO ADDED SALT! if i feel salt is required i will use a splash of low sodium soya sauce. yes, i know salt is so cheap, ghetto cheap but i think in the long run it is a health costly additive.

well i gotta sign out and get my butt upstairs to make supper for my girls: tonight is creamy whipped garlic mashed potatoes, lightly boiled broccoli with sesame seeds, honey carrots & rutabaga with basil and honeyham. originally i went to the grocery store for a pork roast but the farmers must have been feeding the pigs "gold oats" because it was just ridiculously over priced. even the unchewable blade pork roast was overly priced, so i settled for the ham which came in at $8 and will last us all week.
So my friend did some awesome on the Saturday after Thanksgiving & I wanted to share...

She took thanksgiving leftovers and ghetto'd 'em up right!

I think most folks have had a version of turkey enchiladas - I know I grew up with them as a TG leftover. This had a twist to it...

Instead of making bad Mexican food, she made awesome thanksgiving food. She made turkey enhiladas with leftover stuffing, diced green chilis and turkey meat inside. Topped off with gravy and aged cheddar cheese.

They were so so so so soooooo so good.

Best use of TG leftovers ever. :woohoo:

Last night we had a rotisory chicken from the store. After I picked most of the meat I threw ole girls skeleton and skin in a crock pot with three chicken bullion cubes, one yellow onion, some cracked pepper, oregano, basil, cayenne & water. This morn smelled awesome. Strained bone mix and returned liquid to crock. After mess had cooled I put the onions back in crock and any meat I found in the mess. To the crock I threw three carrots and three romma tomatoes, some paprika, more cayenne, four bay leaves and some egg noodles.

Lunch was tastey and very inexpensive.
