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Ghetto lst rig

Just some twine and old, dried out paint bottles. Did it a few min ago hammered and still can't stop laughing.




The little proto and mini leaves that prompted the drunken project

Pretty much what compmodder said, plus make it bushy rather than tall since I plan on trying to overwinter this one indoors multiple times. Seems less brilliant now that I'm sober, but I'm still going with it, seperated the stems a little more even.

Edit: as in active overwintering, so i need it to fit under my lamps. hoping to prevent any leaf drop at the very least, growth or fruit would be awesome.

And don't worry prehensile, when I destroy brain cells I make sure it's on something worthwhile lol
Pretty much what compmodder said, plus make it bushy rather than tall since I plan on trying to overwinter this one indoors multiple times. Seems less brilliant now that I'm sober, but I'm still going with it, seperated the stems a little more even.
Sounds like a good experiment! You never know what will work - with the materials you have. Keep experimenting and tell us the great results! ;)
Well my configuration changed after I pulled a little too hard on the weights sauced. I was impressed it was able to lift the weights half an inch higher in a day and overdid it trying readjust. So there's a mm or two split you can see in the pic if you look carefully. You can also see the white spot where I completely butchered removing a sunburnt leaf lol. So it got a day or so of sunlight with no stress before I reapplied the weight in one direction on both stems. I gave extra water despite no visible leaking at the wound.


Edit: just realized that paragraph was composed retarded, tried to fix it up a bit. Also not sure if its related, but the base of the stem under those lil leaves is woody as fork, way further along even than the plants that have been outside for a week or so as far as stem strength and woodiness.
Haha thanks Jamison, I can only hope my fiddling does more good than harm. Here's a pic to show how the base of the stem seems to have responded very well. Quite woody looking If I may say so.


Edit: and an extra word on topping. After topping one branch the plant went from putting one extra leaf out at nodes to up to 7, while the untopped branch did have slightly more activity at the
uppermost node or leaf ball. Let alone the retard strength burst of lower most leaves.

Double edit: well no more farkin around with barley, malt, and hops in my system. Knocked off 3 real low leaves trying to dig the soil to accommodate the new low growth. Here's a pic of the nodes that I'm hoping will make up for my incompetence.


And just for good measure, middle right node is one putting out 6-8 leaves, prolly my only saving grace.
