food Ghost of the Deer Jerky

Ok, I thought I would add this to the lists of hot stuff. I have a major love for deer jerky, but I am not a hunter, so it can be hard to come by since it cannot legally be sold at lockers and of course the grocery store doesnt carry it. I have been lucky enough over the last year to score a couple pounds of deer burger from various co-workers and made my own in the dehydrator.

Anyways, a co-worker that hunts told me to get a deer tag and he would shoot it. Another co-worker's husband butchered it for me. He made me 12 2lb rolls of summer sausage, 9 regular and 3 with 2 ghost peppers and 2 trinidad scorpions, dried and crushed, added into the mix. Its hot, but still good. He also made me 15lbs of ground deer burger, a 2lb roll of leftover sausage mix (he ran out of packing tubes LOL) 2 3lb roasts and 3 2lbs loins.

Enough rambling. I thawed one of the loins overnight and cut it into 1/4" by about 2" long strips. I used the last packet from my jerky gun and mixed up a marinade. It is in the fridge chilling out til tomorrow.

2lbs deer meat (cut into strips)
1 package Pre-mix Jerky seasoning
1 tspn sea salt (I am a salt junky)
1 tspn garlic powder
1 heaping tspn Bhut Jolokia powder (whole dried peppers put through a coffee bean grinder)
1/4 cup soy sauce
3/4 cup water

I mixed the dry ingredients, water and soy in a jar and poured it over the deer strips. Tomorrow I will add pics as I put it in the dehydrator. I have never done actual meat like this, just always used pre-ground deer burger. One thing you do have to do is cook at a low temp (165 degrees) for about 30 minutes to make the meat safe.

To Be Continued...
Ok so it has been the overnight marinade time and I have spread the drained jerky out on non-stick foil on a large pizza rack (no thats not blood, its marinade juice)...

To me it didnt look like enough hotness, so I took an empty sea salt grinder and put 4 whole dried Bhut pods inside, works awesome (twist hard to break seal, they are refillable)...

And now we have gone nuclear. Houston, we may have a problem!

With this much ghost pepper on the jerky, do I really need to cook it? Yeah I better just to make it safe. My oven reads higher than the actual setting by about 25 degrees, so I cranked it up a little co compensate. From what I have read and has been working for me, 165 degrees for 30 minutes will do the trick...

Ok, wait time, will post more in awhile when I put it into my dehydrator...
Ok, on with the cooking, or drying, or whatever. LOL. I used tongs to move the pieces of soon to be jerky to the trays.
Tray 1

Tray 2

Tray 3

Dehydrator on, I will rotate the trays every 1-2 hours (basically when I remember LOL) for 6-8 hours, or until it is dried to how I prefer it...

More to come when finished and my mouth is thoroughly engulfed in flames :) :) :)
Looks terrific! post back and let us know the result. Why did you put it in the oven first then the dehydrator ?
And the final result, I decided 5 hours in the dehydrator fit my preference on the way it was...
Plate O Yummy

It is hot enough to give me the hiccups, but thats ok, I am still very much in love with Deer Jerky.
Looks terrific! post back and let us know the result. Why did you put it in the oven first then the dehydrator ?
It is standard practice with ANY wild game to cook it to a safe temp to kill any bad nasties (bacteria) that the animal may or may not have. Kinda like washing your hands and utensils after touching raw chicken, ya know? :) From what I have gathered, 30 minutes at 165 kills in 4 legged creatures, 30 at 175 in 2 legged creatures. Better safe than sorry, right?
the venison jerky looks & sounds tasty, you might have to start hunting to get your venison fix from now on :) BTW venison muscle jerky is far tastier than burger jerky!

your so called nasties in wild game are almost the same as whats in your domesticated animals, you can put venison in the dehydrator raw w/o any worries, I do this all the time.
I've been told the best method if you have any questions about nasties in the deer meat you should leave the meat in a chest freezer for 30 days, I've never did this either cuz I'm not worried.