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Ghost pepper, is this normal?

I harvested a few ghost peppers today and some of them are more round than they have been in the past. Normally they are nice 2 spears. These have a little teat in the end like a little tunnel. My son says they look like reapers but with no tail. I think they look more like a trinidad moruga scorpion.


My wife bought the plants for me. All of these are off of the same plant. They are supposed to be ghost peppers and have always looked/tasted like ghost peppers. Im just wondering why the change in pods.
If they are all from the same plant , you have no problems .
The spearhead shaped Ghosts are a what they should look like . The round ones are only a variation , maybe due to changes in temperatures and humidity.
don't worry.
Two years in a row, my last round of Fataliis came out short and stumpy. Still tasted the same. I had Naga Morich plants that did the same thing last year. I suspect the cooler temperatures mess with how pods are formed.