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disease Ghost pepper leave problem

I planted 10 Bhut Jolokia plants 2 months ago, along the way encountered a plant that look like this. Does this look like too much water? They were all give the same amount of water.
There's also another problem, the bottom 2 leaves all have some sort of yellow or white spots and naturally fall off for majority of my plants while the other leaves on the top of the plant are healthy. Is this normal and should I remove the 1 remaining leaves that didn't fall off on the 2 plants? Both has very stunted growth.
the very bottom leaves are the cotyledons and are only used by the plant to break free of its seed and to gather the energy to make new leaves. once it starts making true leaves there is no function for the cotyledons, so they give up their chlorophyll and can die and fall off. nothing to worry about.

as far as the upper leaves curling, i'll leave it to those more experienced to answer, as i'm not well-versed on diagnosing deficiencies.
the very bottom leaves are the cotyledons and are only used by the plant to break free of its seed and to gather the energy to make new leaves. once it starts making true leaves there is no function for the cotyledons, so they give up their chlorophyll and can die and fall off. nothing to worry about.

as far as the upper leaves curling, i'll leave it to those more experienced to answer, as i'm not well-versed on diagnosing deficiencies.
I have cut the cotyledons off right after you posted since they serve no purpose and aren't helping. Plant is experiencing growth spurt, flower buds formed. Thank you,

The plant with disease is spreading to that beside it, turns out to be bug infestation, brown eggs lining the side of branch and stopping at the 1st leaf vein. Only found out after scraping the brown stuff, they are hard and irregular like sandpaper, extremely tiny. Everyday there would be 2-3 yellow insect like the size of a dust spec slithering around the curled leaves. They are shaped like silverfish, but very small and white in colour.
I spray strong jet of water to dislodged the bug, reapply neem oil everyday, the bugs are immune to it and a few more would appear out of nowhere every day for the next 5 consecutive days until I give up. The 2 plants will be left for science, whether a 2 leaf and 4-leaf main stem being cut has any effect.