food Ghost-reaper jerky.

Howdy folks! I have been making beef jerky for a couple years now and always get positive feedback. I recently became obsessed with peppers and decided to combine both passions. I used my regular marinade recipe but added a couple spoonfulls of mixed ghost and carolina reaper powder. Man this stuff is good, one of these days I'll get everything legit and be able to publicly sell this stuff!!
thirdcoasttx said:
Howdy folks! I have been making beef jerky for a couple years now and always get positive feedback. I recently became obsessed with peppers and decided to combine both passions. I used my regular marinade recipe but added a couple spoonfulls of mixed ghost and carolina reaper powder. Man this stuff is good, one of these days I'll get everything legit and be able to publicly sell this stuff!!
sounds delicious to me! How much would you charge?
Pictures make the world revolve here, welcome!
I'll post some pics as soon as the rest is finished drying.
sounds delicious to me! How much would you charge?
I'd have to double check with the cfo (wifey) but I think we where charging something like $35 a lb 20 for a half lb and had a few smaller and cheaper options. We really wanted to start a small business but there is a lot of red tape, and we both have regular jobs that have to be attended to. As soon as we can take care of the legal matters involved in distributing cooked meat we'll be up and running!
Pictures make the world revolve here, welcome!
Oh and btw we have a facebook page with some pics of earlier batches of jerky. Search "Dirtys Jerky"
not a great pic but guaranteed great flavor.
thirdcoasttx said:
not a great pic but guaranteed great flavor.
What is this stuff?  No no no.  Ima not likin' this jerky thang!  Down here we have biltong - yip pronounce it like it says - no fancy language.  Basically it is beef (or any other animal) - the back straps (loins as some call them) which are then soaked in a pickling solution for a short while and then a dry rub of roasted coriander seed, black pepper, coarse salt and sometimes a bit of brown sugar and then hang up to dry.  Now that is good sheeeeeeeeit!  Jerky pfahhhhhhhh.
Not a bad call.  Biltong is great because it is like a medium rare steak - you can leave it dry out completely or chow it when the middle is still moist.  Damn good.