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Ghost ??

Took an inventory of my plants and I know I bought a Ghost plant from local Grocery store, so when looking for it this is the only one that's different, I thought this was the Fetalii but Im guessing this is the Ghost pepper. Can some one confirm this and what type ? no label
Was raining all night so I brought him inside under the lights.
I had some look nearly identical was told the seeds were a jolokia strain but when I finally got pods turned out to be a naga morich not that I was complaining as these turned out hotter that the bhuts except now with a second look yours do look awfuly ghostlike
dragonsfire said:
By the way, is their a "list" as to how all the peppers taste like, type of flavour etc.. Im a flavour guy not most heat type :)
There is no such list that I am aware of, but you can gather a lot of that kind of info right here on the forums. Just use the search function for the peppers you are interested in. Also, Nigel Carter does a great job describing the flavors of the peppers he reviews on YouTube, and he's reviewed quite a few, including some really rare ones: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvpwCBbWBXpc-AzNlkEf8RA/videos
If you care more about flavor than heat, you might want to look at some of the Baccatum varieties. There are some really good tasting Baccatums out there.