chinense Giant Bhut from PepperJoe's for real?

So I have been tempted to purchase seed from pepperjoe's namely the Giant Bhut ( )
It sure looks big and gnarly but like does anyone know its consistent and such? 
Like does anyone here have experience with this. I know the pepperseed grew them out but he doesnt state the peppers are from Pepperjoe or that it was consistent. I would like to know and if it is a ''yes'' to both of these then I will purchase seedos. 
anyway thanks for reading and I hope thou have information,
I hope to hear from you soon,


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As far as consistency, I have never purchased anything from PepperJoe, so I cannot comment on that.

Although I am not growing any Red Bhut this year, I recall in years past most were in the 3 inch to 4 inch range, with an occasional 5 incher.
I had a few seeds an old friend on here gave me many moons ago.  Planted them this year and none germinated so i don't know if they were true.  But i am growing several types of ghost peppers this year.
I bought seeds from Pepper Joes last year, everything came up as it should but germination was so so. I can't comment on the Giant Bhut though
Though I have not purchased the specific bhuts you are inquiring of. I have purchased from pepper joes in the past. My experience from then is far from spectacular.
I would suggest you sit tight and stay tuned to the forum. Chances are good someone will end up sending you what you are looking for with a 100% reliability of growing what you think you planted.
Pepper Joe's is under new management from what I know and I've heard they've really turned it around and that they've gotten their stuff together. I've definitely seen their giant bhuts in a video so the pepper exists. I can't say whether or not it's a stable variety, but I'm sure someone here has grown them.
AndyW said:
Pepper Joe's is under new management from what I know and I've heard they've really turned it around and that they've gotten their stuff together. I've definitely seen their giant bhuts in a video so the pepper exists. I can't say whether or not it's a stable variety, but I'm sure someone here has grown them.
That could very well be true of turning the bad reputation around. And if so, good for them!
But I will still trust pepper people I know here 1st and foremost to getting what I am looking for.
Quoted from Pepper Joe's website - - -

"Giant Ghost Pepper (Giant Bhut Jolokia Pepper) Seeds
More Bang for the Buck. This seed originated from the University of New Mexico via India. It is plumper, meatier and larger than the original Ghost Pepper, with the same scorching heat. Also from the Naga Pepper Strain."
*I have been to the New Mexico State University pepper fields in Las Cruces, NM to purchase only seeds as their peppers were not for sale.*
I think they have the wrong school in their description - not the University of New Mexico, which is in Albuquerque.
CAPCOM said:
That could very well be true of turning the bad reputation around. And if so, good for them!
But I will still trust pepper people I know here 1st and foremost to getting what I am looking for.
Absolutely! Members here are super friendly and helpful (not to mention more cost-effective) in this area.
I emailed them and this is their response:
Good Afternoon Iwan, 
Thanks for reaching out, with the giant ghost they are typically 1 inch bigger than your standard ghost, each pod is going to be a little different but that is the average comparison. Let me know if you need any other info I will be happy to help. 
Original Message
Subject: ''improved message''Giant Ghost pepper 
To: "" <>
Date: 2018-05-15 15:33:54
Dear Pepper Joe’s
My name is Iwan, I am currently eighteen years old and I was wondering if the size of the Giant Bhut is consistent. Like on you website there is this one really well done picture :
And then one with pepper that resemble like normal Ghost peppers: 
Like I am totally down for buying your seeds, but it kind of feels like for me as the buyer, that I am getting just a regular Jolokia. I don’t want to give a bad review. I am hoping that you could give me like more insight on the strain. And maybe include a picture of either the plant with the ripe pods, or just a bunch of pods in general that was taken from the giant bhut (“not from”) 
With regards,
catherinew said:
Quoted from Pepper Joe's website - - - "Giant Ghost Pepper (Giant Bhut Jolokia Pepper) Seeds
More Bang for the Buck. This seed originated from the University of New Mexico via India. It is plumper, meatier and larger than the original Ghost Pepper, with the same scorching heat. Also from the Naga Pepper Strain."
*I have been to the New Mexico State University pepper fields in Las Cruces, NM to purchase only seeds as their peppers were not for sale.*
I think they have the wrong school in their description - not the University of New Mexico, which is in Albuquerque.
As a UNM alumni, I can definitively say that the University of New Mexico is in Albuquerque. Go Lobos!

I am from Las Cruces, which is where the NMSU, or New Mexico State University is. That is where they have the chile pepper institute.