Gift of the Ghost and Datils

So I stopped by the local gardens yesterday and talked to a lady I sort of know.
They didn't have much in the way of peppers but she did pick her plant of Datils, they weren't that many but the other ones on the plant were rotting so I took all that I could.
She also gave me a Ghost Pepper plant for free. I guess a guy went off to college and dropped a couple off. I got it home and boy was it thirsty.
Here is the Datils.

Here is the Ghost


And here it is the next day after a drink or two.

So I have the Ghost on some 7.7.7 food as well as some fish emulsion.
My question, should I be giving a food with higher potassium since it is flowering?
What other basics should I do for a plant rescue? Seeing as how this is all new to me.
I think what you want is a higher ratio of phosphorus and potassium than nitrogen for flowering. Chime in if I'm wrong.

*edit: nice looking plant. Enjoy!
I would keep the nutes fairly balanced. Peppers dont have a veg and bloom like other plants do. If you are planning to keep the plant going for a long season the plant will need nitrogen. Nitrogen helps the plant grow. The more it grows the more nodes there are and the more nodes mean there will be more peppers. The nutes do not have to be even across all three but I wouldn't necessarily use a low nitrogen one.