Goat's weed hybrids

I have been fondling around with the idea of creating a hybrid with melanistic and pubescent traits. I am going to use the Goat’s Weed pepper as the pubescent parent and various black foliaged peppers as melanistic parents, so far I have come up with eight different crosses that I will attempt to create this summer.
1.) Black Pearl x Goat’s Weed, 2.) Goat’s Weed x Black Pearl, 3.) CAP 1546 x Goat’s Weed, 4.) Goat’s Weed x CAP 1546, 5.) PDN x Goat’s Weed, 6.) Goat’s Weed x PDN, 7.) Blue Christmas x Goat’s Weed, 8.) Goat’s Weed x Blue Christmas
The core interest in this small experiment would be to create plants that may be better suited for low sun and colder environments (and obviously also to create some very unique looking plants).
I have looked for pictures and posts of similar crosses but have come up empty-handed, so if anyone has got any pictures of related crosses then please post them here :)