Goji Berries

Been meaning to grow Goji Berries (true Goji berries, Lycium barbarum, NOT Wolfsberries) for a year now and I find myself getting ready to locate some seeds.

Anyone here grow or have grown this? Should I get a year old potted plant or just start from seeds?
I grow them but haven't had berries yet. I have one big overwintered plant and some smaller ones and the aphids just love them. I can probably find some extra seeds for you, they are actually berries and the seeds inside germinate well.
There is a lot of misleading info out there due to aggressive marketing so don't believe everything thays said about them.
Here's some interesting info http://www.richters.com/newdisplay.cgi?page=./QandA/Richters/20060407-7.html&cart_id=111.100
Goji berry juice(and berries) are sold in health food stores and they are quite expensive. They are also quite tastey and have one of the highest levels of antioxidants. There are so many exaggerated claims made my marketers, but they are still a super-health food.
I love the taste of them. I had my first Goji berry a year ago and was hooked. Haven't baught it since because of the price. I can demolish a whole bag in a few minutes. That's why I want to grow them...fresh supply...hehehe
my friend buys the juice by the case and takes a little capful everyday. i grew them last year from seed but didn't get any berries either. i wrapped them and heaped mulch on top and said if they're still alive next year it's fate. last winter was pretty mild so i thought i might get away with it but somehow i don't think they made it through this winter.
They are supposed to be good for zone 5-9 and can get as low as - 15C so I don't think they'll survive the winter but who knows. I brought in a shriveled stick of a plant from the greeenhouse in the middle of last winter and it came back no problem.

The urge to grow Goji berries is invading my psyche!! I found myself looking up more information on them this morning!
I remember finding some good info on garderweb years back, if anyone is into searching archives. Its also called matrimony vine.
I remember finding some good info on garderweb years back, if anyone is into searching archives. Its also called matrimony vine.

It's known as Chinese wolfberry, goji berry, barbary matrimony vine, bocksdorn, Duke of Argyll's tea tree, or matrimony vine.

See what you've done, you plant pushing jerk, you!
So you need some seeds Pam? Meet me in the dark parking lot at midnight, or just send me your address.:lol:

Go with the parking lot. That way, if the deal goes wrong, you can always shoot him and there will be very little witnesses.
imaguitargod said:
Go with the parking lot. That way, if the deal goes wrong, you can always shoot him and there will be very little witnesses.

Why? Are there gnomes and fairies in the park?
I believe Goji berries to be the true Gummi berries from which gummi berry juice is made. This juice will give us unbelievable super strength.
WOOOOOOOOW I have seen this thread for a little while and never looked at it. Dumb me These lil guys/gals sound really good. Especially since I love trying something different. I got to start looking around here in middle of the states to see if anyone has them I don't even know where to start. And I would love to try to plant some of them Goji vine just has a great sound to it Thanks all I wonder what they would taste like with a mixture of heat with them also? mmmmmm I love hot and sweet
I believe Goji berries to be the true Gummi berries from which gummi berry juice is made. This juice will give us unbelievable super strength.
I always had my hunches it was just a pitcher of speed they were doing...:think:

okie joe said:
WOOOOOOOOW I have seen this thread for a little while and never looked at it. Dumb me These lil guys/gals sound really good. Especially since I love trying something different. I got to start looking around here in middle of the states to see if anyone has them I don't even know where to start. And I would love to try to plant some of them Goji vine just has a great sound to it Thanks all I wonder what they would taste like with a mixture of heat with them also? mmmmmm I love hot and sweet
Just go to a health food store and you should find them quite easly.

Hmmm, I wonder if you could dry them and then powder them with some peppers......