food golden habanero wraps

take a tortilla wrap spread cream cheese all over it followed by the habanero gold jelly , then roll the wrap up , chill it and then cut into bite sized finger food , just awesome !!! Alternatively we also take the cream cheese and mix the habanero gold in together , then spread on wrap , this makes it so you dont get near as much jelly seepage onto wrap to make it soggy on the bottoms .
pokeyt said:
take a tortilla wrap spread cream cheese all over it followed by the habanero gold jelly , then roll the wrap up , chill it and then cut into bite sized finger food , just awesome !!! Alternatively we also take the cream cheese and mix the habanero gold in together , then spread on wrap , this makes it so you dont get near as much jelly seepage onto wrap to make it soggy on the bottoms .

Sounds good!

Do you make your own jelly, or do you buy it somewhere?
they are really yummy , we make our own jelly , with the recipe from the bernardin preserving book . That thing is like our bible ;)