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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. 34-53F, with predictions of temps close to 60+F this week. I bought some planting soil plus plant markers, ordered fertilizer, and organized a bit more in the basement. Spring is definitely on its way. DR, glad to hear Buddy may be on his way to recovery.
Enjoy this fine day and stay healthy. The flu seems to be hitting hard lately. Keep a few masks in the car, just in case.
Good morning. It's 37F on its way to 65F. Mild. Short pants today! That damn groundhog saw his shadow this morning. Today, I'm going to do some casual futzing indoors and some moderate futzing outdoors. I need to fill the firewood rack on the front porch and haul some large limbs from the yard to the burn pile. Those limbs came down from our pecan trees when we had our ice storm. Probably watch some futbol too. Grilling something this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 22F, on its way to 39F. Glad it's warming up to the West. Hopefully, some of that is heading my way. Wasn't able to get to the shed for my planting stuff yesterday - too wet/muddy. Need to get some paperwork done this morning. Hope to futz this afternoon. Pork tenderloin for dinner. Hope everybody has a peaceful and restful Sunday. Be safe out there and enjoy time with friends and family.
Good morning. 37-63F, windy. Looks like a quiet (er) day with little planned. I’m hoping to bag more stuff to bring to ARC. Hubby really needs to purge a lot of his shirts. And jeans. Grilling sounds like a great option tonight, probably chicken and veggies.
Enjoy your day as best you can, sunshine, mud, snow and ice. Spring is slowly making an appearance.
Good morning. It's 45F on its way to 65F. Mostly sunny and mild. It got to 70F yesterday afternoon! I got to work outside for most of the afternoon. I actually did some weeding in the garden. My back is sore this morning. I also got all the vehicles out and put a few miles on them. I usually do that every couple of weeks in the winter, but it's been so cold that I haven't done it. Unfortunately, this is the last day of the Spring like warmth and winter returns tomorrow. Nothing on the agenda for today. I expect I'll do some casual futzing and maybe spend some time back out in the garden. Runza casserole this evening. Be safe and be good.
God morning. It's cloudy and 24F, on its way to 58F. Calling for partly sunny. We have dentist appointments this morning, followed by a few errands. I think I'll join the grilling frenzy today as well. Probably some sort of chicken. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and don't forget to floss!
Good morning. 38-66F and windy. The snow from the shadows should be gone soon, in time for next week’s WX guess. We spent much of yesterday finalizing vacation plans - almost. A few things still not completely booked. I’m not looking forward to tariff prices down the road. Monday errands, coffee group, ARC delivery, then a bit of basement purge.
Enjoy your Monday. Take time for yourself and others. Feed the wildlife.
I’m not looking forward to tariff prices down the road.

Me needer.

We've been casually looking at new vehicles for a while, but decided to get serious, based on the threat of trade tariffs. Online, we identified the vehicle we wanted at the local dealership on Friday, and planned to go there after our dentist appointments this morning. We heard the tariffs went into effect on Saturday, so Sunday, just for grins, Mrs DR went online and checked on the vehicle we were interested in. The price had increased 35%. THIRTY-FIVE PERCENT! OVERNIGHT! Needless to say, that freed up our afternoon.🤬

EDIT: Stopped by the dealership for grins yesterday. Prices were back to Friday's prices. They said they were doing "some maintenance" on the website over the weekend. Not quite sure what kind of maintenance that was. Previews of coming attractions? Dunno.
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Good morning. It's 33F on its way to 41F. Cool, cloudy and breezy. Winter is back. Maybe those tariffs are just part of "the art of the deal". I guess I'll switch to domestic beer. Making a run to the city this morning for a few errands, maybe a stop at one of the big box stores and lunch. Planning the menu for the big game. I'm looking forward to the fiesta. Casual futzing with fishing tackle and washing seed starting stuffs this afternoon. BBQ shrimp this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 50F, heading to 53F. Well, the dentist appointment went well. Next up, a doctor's appointment this morning. Then a stop at Wallyworld. Always an adventure. The sights and sounds can be entertaining, lol. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there and watch out for tariffs.
Good morning. 33-54F, cooling down for at least a week. Tariff threats have a lot of people on edge, making many of us think through changes - like Harry’s domestic beer choice. And DR’s new car. But we will get through this, a few pennies poorer.
Not much going on today, a few errands, then maybe a bit of shopping. I need to get eggs, if there are any!
Have a great Tuesday. The gardens will soon be filled with greenery, and the bugs will return. I’m looking forward to all of it.
Good morning. It's 32F with freezing rain on its way to 41F. Nasty. Many of the KC metro highways are closed. Hopefully we are far enough south and just a tad warmer. Went to one of the big box stores yesterday. You know the one .... if you just drive through the parking lot, you'll spend $200. Got eggs .... they had lots of them. Our local country stores don't have eggs but up there in the city they seemed to have lots of inventory. The boss said the price was reasonable. We stocked up. With the WX the way it is today, we plan on staying on the property. I've got some paperwork to get organized this morning. I might spend some time in the shop too. I'm looking forward to starting brassicas in a couple weeks and need to get my stuff together for that. Nothing else is going on. Fixing a big breakfast in a bit and it looks like leftovers this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's cloudy and 32F, on its way to nowhere. Calling for sleet/freezing rain this afternoon/evening. Not much planned for today. I haven't been able to futz very much lately, so hopefully today. I need to get serious about getting the grow room ready. I should be planting chinense in a few days. Of course, I still have to figure out WHAT I'm planting this year, lol. I still need to get down to the shed to dig out stuff. Still not sure if I can get there through the standing water. I'll check it again today. Geez, looks like I might not have time to futz after all, lol. Hope everybody has a wonderful Wednesday. Be safe out there and enjoy the day.
Good morning. 34-59F and windy. Coffee group, a couple of errands, then who knows. I’m meeting DIL at a nursery tomorrow to buy seeds and a few indoor plants. Time to get better prepared for our jaunt.
Have a great Wednesday. Time to start preparing for summer ‘fun’. I always need more seeds (!).