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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning all :)
snow :mope: most of yesterday, and all through the night :(
well i guess there's no denying winter is here anymore.  33F/.5C this morning 
Finally got that broken molar removed yay \O/   Jaw and face are still a little sore this morning
a few pick ups/drop offs this morning, then not much really planned this afternoon.
Wife's swim team has a meet this afternoon/evening
hope everyone has a spectacular Saturday 
don't forget to S.M.I.LE. :D
Good morning everyone. More yard work if the weather gets warmer this afternoon. GIP, glad to hear you are feeling better after the trip to the dentist. Best of luck to your wife's swim team.

Enjoy your Saturday and remember to pay it forward. Yesterday, a lady in front of me at the supermarket check out bought a gift card along with her groceries. As she was leaving, she handed the gift card to the checker and said, Have a great weekend. The checker teared up and said she's had a rough week.

That's what GIP's S.M.I.L.E. Is all about.
Good morning everyone. Welcome to regular time . Best of luck to Sic's Sonya with her race today, nice to have a rooting audience. Dehydrated some peppers last night and will be sharing some with a friend's brother, thanks to Chuck. He sent some awesome seeds back in January so I could pay him back with a few peppers and also pay it forward.

More snow and freezing cold predicted for Monday/Tuesday and many of the protected plants have bit the dust. A few are trying to ripen their fruit but its a slow go.

Enjoy this day and keep friends and family close. Go Sonya! Go GIP's wife's swim team!
sicman said:
That's awesome your wife is on a swim team, what's your sport GIP? Have a wonderful productive day of living. Bless up and good morning.
I should have been more specific... She coaches a swim team, for the YMCA :) around 60 kids on the team, but she usually has closer to 30 at each practice
The kids did well at this swim meet, and those that showed up gave it their all  :clap:
as for my sport...
:mope:  I don't do much for sports anymore.  Does fishing still count ?
Back in my youth i was into skating, then surfing. Most recent sport i participated in was Disc Golf  ;)  but even that was years ago  :neutral:
I don't get around as well as i used to, and now I enjoy more leisurely activities like gardening and cooking  :)
catherinew said:
Good morning everyone. More yard work if the weather gets warmer this afternoon. GIP, glad to hear you are feeling better after the trip to the dentist. Best of luck to your wife's swim team.

Enjoy your Saturday and remember to pay it forward. Yesterday, a lady in front of me at the supermarket check out bought a gift card along with her groceries. As she was leaving, she handed the gift card to the checker and said, Have a great weekend. The checker teared up and said she's had a rough week.

That's what GIP's S.M.I.L.E. Is all about.
catherinew said:
Good morning everyone. Welcome to regular time . Best of luck to Sic's Sonya with her race today, nice to have a rooting audience. Dehydrated some peppers last night and will be sharing some with a friend's brother, thanks to Chuck. He sent some awesome seeds back in January so I could pay him back with a few peppers and also pay it forward.

More snow and freezing cold predicted for Monday/Tuesday and many of the protected plants have bit the dust. A few are trying to ripen their fruit but its a slow go.

Enjoy this day and keep friends and family close. Go Sonya! Go GIP's wife's swim team!
go Sonya \O/  Goodluck to her, and may everyone be safe. 
Wife's team doesn't have another meet until next Saturday, so just practice until then.
Lazy Sunday for me
starting of today with breakfast burritos made with bacon, egg, cheddar, and the last of the serranos for the year  :drooling:
might make some jam this afternoon  :party:
hope you all have a spectacular Sunday 
S.M.I.L.E. :D
and have a wonderful day 
The races got cancelled yesterday because of some FEMA crap. Lines so long most of the racers couldn't make it to there start time. We live two miles from the fairgrounds which is across the street from the park where the race was happening. Cars were backed up in front of our house at 5:30 in the morning.

We are off to the swamp then chores. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. Hope you all have a great day.

Thanks, Jane for the pods you sent. They were great. I used a lot of fresh ones (BOC) and froze the rest for the dehydrater.

Thanks GIP for the pods you sent me this year, along with 96strat and Justin White. You all rock. Now Ive got some pods for kitchen projects. Season was a bust this year. Theres always next year.

Much gratitude.
