food gorganzola stuffed Chicken breast wrapped in bacon

i found this recipe online and added some heat to it and it was TASTY
gorgonzola cheese
marsala wine
boneless chicken breast
bacon of yur choice
yellow 7pot powder
1/2 bhut jolokia for one serving

cut a pocket int othe breasts
combine enough cheese to fill pocket with parsley and 1/8 tsp 7pot powdermix together as good as you can
cook bacon till its slightly cooked(will be baked in over for 30-45 min) dont want you to burn bacon
stuff breast with cheese mixture then wrap bacon around breast using toothpics to hold in place
put in over for 30 min to start mine took 45 min

when chicken is about done take 3 cloves of shallots( i think this is what they are called) and 4 chopped garlic cloves and the chopped Bhut and saute in bacon grease then add marsala and turn heat to high to reduce.

pull out chicken remove tooth picks and pour sauce over the top of chicken and enjoy.

this is my first attempt at typing a recipe off the top of my head but you get the jist of it and can add remove what you want but it is hot and tasty!
i found this recipe online and added some heat to it and it was TASTY
gorgonzola cheese
marsala wine
boneless chicken breast
bacon of yur choice
yellow 7pot powder
1/2 bhut jolokia for one serving

cut a pocket int othe breasts
combine enough cheese to fill pocket with parsley and 1/8 tsp 7pot powdermix together as good as you can
cook bacon till its slightly cooked(will be baked in over for 30-45 min) dont want you to burn bacon
stuff breast with cheese mixture then wrap bacon around breast using toothpics to hold in place
put in over for 30 min to start mine took 45 min

when chicken is about done take 3 cloves of shallots( i think this is what they are called) and 4 chopped garlic cloves and the chopped Bhut and saute in bacon grease then add marsala and turn heat to high to reduce.

pull out chicken remove tooth picks and pour sauce over the top of chicken and enjoy.

this is my first attempt at typing a recipe off the top of my head but you get the jist of it and can add remove what you want but it is hot and tasty!

If you create a mind-blowing dish and there are no pictures, did it really happen?
Eric my man. That sounds like a tasty dish. I am one of the lucky ones that has a lil yelow 7 powder to make this dish( thanks to wayright) :dance: Next time pictures damn it :beer: