hydroponics Got a hydroponic setup for christmas, any tips?

I don't know the first thing about growing hydroponically. I got an IDOO system today. I usually grow in containers, but idk how much different this is.
id assume overwatering is an issue?
I don't know the first thing about growing hydroponically. I got an IDOO system today. I usually grow in containers, but idk how much different this is.
id assume overwatering is an issue?

I've never seen that one before, but it looks pretty plug-and-play. You'll grow peppers in it?

So long as the nute solution is pH adjusted, adequately oxygenated and so forth, the roots will be fine submerged. :)
i was hoping to grow peppers in it, but idk how effective it needs to be for it. its the 12 pod system, i doubt id use all 12 for peppers tho. (or is spacing less of an issue in hydro?)

any decent guides you can recommend?
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Headroom will be a thing; peppers will grow taller than that arm can probably accommodate. Some varieties tend to grow low and laterally, and/or you could trim them (though that might affect their productivity).

If you want to grow a pepper plant to maturity I'd stick with just a few, culling all but one. More light might be in order, too. I've grown perfectly healthy chile plants in half-gallon jars, but it takes frequent top ups.

Poke around here, use the search feature for guidance. We have quite a number of excellent hydro gardeners and many old and new grow logs packed with general information as well as tips and tricks.
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Poke around here, use the search feature for guidance. We have quite a number of excellent hydro gardeners and many old and new grow logs packed with general information as well as tips and tricks.
Unfortunately, most don't go into a lot of detail. For example I read that a dead plant can spread root rot to the other plants. Does that include culled seedlings?

Also, I feel like over relying on their products for nutes, etc, won't be the most cost effective. So, a good crash course in understanding how to use ferts in hydroponics would be great too.

Different model, but yea, that's essentially what I have.
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