misc Grafting help ? The right direction ?

Hi Guy's

I wasn't too sure where to post this one......so many questions......😵‍💫 Not really expecting my questions to be answered but possibly if those how have researched this subject could point me in the direction of a good website ? You tube video ? Article ? I'd be most grateful.

As usual I've way too many plants I hate wasting them I used spare plants to experiment with cold temps in the greenhouse used spare plant's to experiment kratky hydroponics........

I've been toying with trying "grafting super hots" , firstly the idea of splicing a few different varieties on to one plant could prove fun, cool and useful !

Secondly there the "Root stock" grafting thing ? Trying to understand this one......I've loads of different varieties I've noticed that my outside sweet peeper and mild chillies tend to have short thick vigorous root's and stonking thick strong trunks !

I'm assuming these would but beneficial rootstock to graft a superhot too ??