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Green Habaneros Hot?

Well I got some Habaneros that are JUST now setting pods and one of them looks like its done growning but I fear that I may not see it rippen. I have always wanted to try one but I am wondering if they are still hot and if it still has its much sought after flavor when its green? Or should I just wait until next year when I have many more pods to try it at its full ripeness?:hell:
It will be hot if it is about to ripen, but if it is to far away it will taste pretty much like grass. If you want the habanero experience you have to eat a ripe one, but there is no reason to toss a green one out. It is still a vegetable and good for you;)
Yeah I think I am going to keep it. Perhaps since I will be taking 8 of my plants out of the ground and potting/winterizing them, it will stress it just enough to speed it along. There are a couple days in the next few weeks that I will have to bring the plants in at night but hopefully I can squeeze one Habanero this season. In not no biggie since the plant will be winterized and ready to roll come spring.

My brother and I tried one of my peppers off my Black Pearl cross and we still have to work on our tolerance but we were both :mouthonfire: but it was fun. Im looking forward to tasting the citrusy taste that I hear about with Habs.

Speaking of ripened fruits, has anyone tried the pepper in a paper bag with an apple and/or banana?
crazy8 said:
Speaking of ripened fruits, has anyone tried the pepper in a paper bag with an apple and/or banana?

Yes I tried the tomato in a paper bag type deal....didn't notice any difference to just setting them on the window sill.

And your habs will definitely still be hot if they are green, just maybe not quite as hot. And like what was mentioned above, if they're too far off, then they'll taste pretty bad and the heat will be minimal.

If you're bringing the plants inside you should get some ripening action. I'll be doing the same thing.

good luck.
The paper bag trick works very well, best with an apple or banana since peppers alone produce little ethylene gas. If you pick habs too early there may not be any heat and I don't think the bag trick will add heat, just color and sugars
So if at all possible in the case of the habs it would be best to pick it as close to being ripe as possible and throw it in a bag, but if it doesnt make it to being able to fully ripen then maybe keep it still if its green and not to far off?
It look spretty light green now...wait now that I think of it I got a pic this morning maybe you can even clarify that it is a hab since I dont know 100% what it is. I think I have it narrowed down to being a Red Caribbean. Let me post a pic for you all :D

Here is what it looks like now
Thought I would make sure because I got some seeds that were not what they were supposed be...Some on gave me Bell peppers instead of...something I actually wanted. Along with two other kinds of peppers that were not what I asked for, so you could imagine my excitement when I saw these even though I dont know if they are from the same person :D
My old orange hab has been lately putting out two pods at a time and take FOREVER to turn orange thought they never would. once a hint of orange boom done in two days.tasting like grass true and hilarious
Yeah I would like to stay away from anything that tastes like grass. After all if I wanted that, I could just eat grass then...lol. Well guess ill see what happens. This plant will be getting winterized this weekend so no biggie.
Once mine started they turned pretty quickly. The difference for me though was that I put them in direct sunlight for about 3 days straight. Now I've lost the sun and we're dipping into temps close to freezing at night and daytime highs around 10-12C. I don't think many more of mine are going to ripen. Too bad because I really wanted to try some of the scotch bonnets I have on the go.
i ate a green hab the other day, one which had fallen off the plant, & it had a beautiful fruity flavour, & a nice amount of heat, although not really hot, just nice & nippy, more than i'd expected from a 1cm-sized pod.
I just went and picked a green hab off of one of my plants. It's about the size of the nail on your little finger. It's got lots of hab flavor, a slight touch of green pepper flavor and decent heat. It's no-where near as hot as the ripe habs though.
Blister said:
I just went and picked a green hab off of one of my plants. It's about the size of the nail on your little finger. It's got lots of hab flavor, a slight touch of green pepper flavor and decent heat. It's no-where near as hot as the ripe habs though.

I agree they are no where near as hot as a ripe one, the green flavour works well for me with my green tomatoes.

You'd have to decide what sort of flavour you desire in your meal/product before using them.
Blister said:
I just went and picked a green hab off of one of my plants. It's about the size of the nail on your little finger. It's got lots of hab flavor, a slight touch of green pepper flavor and decent heat. It's no-where near as hot as the ripe habs though.

A large green one can be a ripper though.