color Green thumb or maby not

every attempt Ive had growing from seed has failed hell ive tried cloning and that failed..I had my first succesfull garden this year and man it was good but to grow from seed seems to be yet another challenge itsself..ive read other posts tried other things and still no luckhad hab seeds I forgot about no go,my chinese mystery plant no go and other seeds I have in the cubord
im not touching my nagas till i figure out where im doing things wrong

I can make your thumb look white. I did manage to sprout 35 of 35 seeds but it had to be an accident. But it took eight weeks and lots of stupidity to accomplish this feat.

My plan - order 100 seeds of each plant and hope that three of them suvive!
Ok, let's break this down.

1. What kind of potting soil are you using?

2. What are you using as a seed cup?

3. What are you using as a heat source?

4. What are you using as a light source?

5. How and when are you watering?

6. How are you planting the seeds, ie: how deep are you planting them, or are you just putting the seeds on top of the soil?

First we clarify what it is that is keeping your seeds from germinating. Then we'll put together a seed starting system that suits your time and resources best.
im using normal potting soil,I am usingplastic white cups,I have flourescent lamps and its in side so its really warm and as for the watering part I keep an eye on the dampness of the I have a heat lamp I could rig that to a small aquarium if need be...and if so does it matter if the light is blue?
Canuk, You do not need a light at all at this point, unless you are using it as your heat source, after the seeds sprout you will need to put them under lights. Are you keeping the temps regulated? Does your potting soil have ferts in it if so the soil may be to harsh for seeds. Do you have any pics of your setup.

Canuk Pepperhead said:
its just plain potting soil well black earth im using and its on my kitchen counter

When you say "well black earth" do you mean yard dirt?

If they're sitting on the counter, what is the temperature on the kitchen counter? If you're not sure, put a thermometer on top of the cups and check it in the morning and in the evening.

I have a programmable thermostat on my heater, so the temperatures range from 58F (14C) during the day while I'm at work and at night after I go to bed to 66F (18.8C) in the evenings when I'm home. That's too cold for most of my seeds - lettuce likes it cool - so I use the seed starting mats to keep the seed starting medium at a toasty 80F (26C).

Do you top or bottom water the seed cups?
my house is always minimum 22C my wife even in summer is cold lol
I top water...My chinese mystery plant is now failing on me but im thinking a nice seat in front of my living room window will fix thinking either too stuffy in the kitchen or uv lights are too far away...dunno they are 3 feet up from the plant and the bottom leaves are curling up and falling off the plant isnt half as plentiful in size/leaves as the pic I earth??? in a bag
my first year and ive kept other plants over winter non peppers in the past till I let my little woman take care of them lol..peppers man are they first lesson..I was gracious for what I got this year bigtime and next year is going to be better...Now to figure out the seed thing etc...

someone I know who grows stupid amounts of peppers every year told me I have to bake/sterilize the earth im using to make seeds this true or is he bullshitting me

looks like I need more heat for the pods
Ok, let's break this down.

1. What kind of potting soil are you using?

Plain ol stuff you can buy anyplace.

2. What are you using as a seed cup?

It's a styrofoam seed tray. Three inches high, one inch square at the top, half that at the bottom, with half of it being cut out, so it can absorb water.

3. What are you using as a heat source?

A waterbed heater, set to 75 degrees. It sits under a hard plastic container that has water in it, enough so the seed tray floats in it.

4. What are you using as a light source?

I have a fluorescent lamp that hangs over it, but since the seeds are covered with soil, what makes the difference? The light isn't going to penetrate the soil, is it?

5. How and when are you watering?

I watered the soil real well when I sowed the seeds. I check it daily but it is still moist.

6. How are you planting the seeds, ie: how deep are you planting them, or are you just putting the seeds on top of the soil?

About three inches of soil under the seed and less than a quarter inch over it.

It's only been two weeks (as of today). It seems to take about three weeks-a month for my seeds to germinate. I'll let you know next Saturday how they are doing.
I start out with a 144 cell tray filled with very damp Pro-Mix all the way to the top of each cell, I then set my seeds on top of the Pro-Mix sometimes 2 per cell then i take sifted Pro-Mix and sprinkle just enough to hide the seeds when they are all covered I take a spray bottle and lightly mist the sifted Pro-Mix. The cell tray is then put into one of those seed starting trays that has the clear dome over it to help with moisture. I have a couple of holes in the clear dome one for digital thermometer and one for the remote bulb that controls the thermostat. All that is placed on top of a water bed heater that is controled by the remote bulb thermostat the temps are set at between 86 and 94 Degrees. I do not re water I only mist as needed. most seeds up in 7 to 10 days some in as little as 3 and 4 days and then there are the stubborn ones that take up to 3 to 4 weeks. I have had very good luck with this set up. the thermostat that i am using is a
White Rodgers (TYPE 1687-9 STYLE B3) if anyone is interested. this unit will control any heat source from a electric skillet to a light bulb.

I begin this whole gig by washing my hands and wiping them on a clean towel.


Place seeds on folded-over paper towel.
Place paper towel in zip-lock bag.
Wet paper towel with 5-10 ml water treated with Hydrogen Peroxide (wet, not soppy).
Seal zip lock bag
Put paper towel on heating pad set at 86F (measure the temp).
Starting at 3 days, seeds begin to germinate; Germination will continue, sometimes for 45 days.

Take germinated seed and place it in a wetted rock wool cube (water treated with hydrogen peroxide).
Place rock wool cube in a covered dish that keeps relative humidity high.
Add very, very, very weak nutrient after the first set of leaves are well-established.
Keep temp between 65F (night) and 90F (day) and measure with a thermometer.
Plant to cup/dirt after second set of real leaves.

I germinate chile seed that is 3-8 years old and germination rate is way above 50%. If you actually follow these directions carefully, chile seed germinates easily.

Consider that chiles have been germinating for quite a long time in worse conditions than this.