water Greenhous temperature/water?

Hi, this is my greenhouse :-) I have moved all my babies out there. My wife and daughter moved some of them out yesterday but they didnt open window or door so when i came home 1 hour after they moved them out all looked dead, the temperature was maybe 100F. I gave them lots of water and they did came back. Some of them lost a lot of leafs. They are in pots from 2-5 gallon, i will have them all in 5gallon pots soon. But could it be correct that i need to water them almost every day when they are in the greenhouse? My soil is very draining, when i water them the water go straight through. How high temperature would chili plant survive? Since this is in Norway i have LED lights on at night so they get enough light. It could be as low as 45F at night, maybe 50F inside the greenhous. Would that be a problem? At the end of the season, could i use IR heaters to heat up the plants?
My wife did say that it looks like porn lights, WHY did she say that ;-)
85-90F during the day is good for optimum growth. At 95F, they stop producing pollen/it goes sterile. If they're in the shade with a good root system and  well irrigated they can take 100F, but with the sun glaring on them, the spot temperature is going to be much much higher on the plant.
During the night, 50F won't kill established plants, but somewhere in the 60s range is better for fruit set.
Think you should be getting very long hours of daylight nowadays in NO?
The greenhouse have sun for about 10 hours when its not raining at midsummer (there is some trees in the way in the morning) much less at spring and fall. But is it enough with daylight? There has not been many days with sun this summer and as you can see it dont looks good http://www.storm.no/vaer/siggerud#dag=0