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greenhouse trashed :(

Wow, that sucks, I know exactly how you feel. I had my dog uproot every potted plant, six peppers and four apple trees, I had forgotten to protect from her. By the time I realized, I was too late. 
Don't give up though, I replanted everything except two apple trees that were too badly damaged, and they all bounced back, including this Rainforest pepper.

A few weeks later. 

I guess the worst thing is that you aren't there to fix things.
Best of luck,
Hope the Mrs can pot em back up for you and do a general clean up......
Hope it all works out OK for the Mrs, plants and Dogly.
Yea thats not the worst of it.. the very next day she got back in the greenhouse and snaped 2 of my best plants and knocked all the water out of my jays peach .. they will all survive and im back home from being away for the week.. i can now spend the weekend fixing the green house and making it more puppy proof... :)