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greenhouse Greenhouses sm and LG

I know somewhere down the road, I am going to do this. I really cant say at this precise moment if I can or will settle for a 200'sq store bought type or a full size commercial growers type greenhouse. but considering I will probably get more feedback on the first of these, that's what we'll concentrate on.
I have checked into this briefly and through doing so have found like anything else, there is some real garbage out there. and some of it is high priced garbage. Has anyone here been fortunate enough to have gone down this path and avoided the dreaded feelings of regret and waste?
i visited a local farm and really liked the diy hoop house, after reading online seems like lots of people do it.
pretty much just PVC pipe bent into a semi-circle and secured  in the ground with bracing at ~ 45,90,135 angles, then the ends were constructed of wood. Steel frame seems to be more durable bust cost more and require to be pre bent or buy a bending tool.
so i would make one of the diy ones for cheap first before i bought a really big / nice kit (if you find you want to upgrade).



OKGrowin said:
this one says 500 for 30x18 = ~ 1$ per sqft
this one says 1500 for 100x12 = 1.25 per sqft
the last pic is from this website that sells kits.. they seem kinda expensive but you can guess the price of materials by just extrapolating their plans from the pic. obv costs more / have to rent a conduit bender for steel.
Thx a bunch. very informative and quite probably just what I was looking for.
Like most things you need to consider heating and cooling costs (risks of bugs) fertilizers, supplemental light or heat.my first Greenhouse required daily manual work.
TylerInNiagara said:
Like most things you need to consider heating and cooling costs (risks of bugs) fertilizers, supplemental light or heat.my first Greenhouse required daily manual work.
Heating and cooling all depends on when your natural growing season is and how long in either direction you want to extend it. Bugs are an inherent part of horticulture, but would be more controllable in an enclosed area where natural predators would also be contained and inclined to stay. As far as supplemental light, $150.00 to $200.00 and an extension cord would quickly remedy that.
With a greenhouse I could start things in Dec orJan and Mar* indoors and move them to the greenhouse in April and May* and if needed, out side to the garden in April and or May* and have plants in the 36" range flowering, podding and fruiting with all of summer yet to come.
* utilizing successive plantings