Greetings from Kentucky

Well hi everyone :) I'm new here, obviously.

My name's Rick, I live in Louisville, KY, and I'm getting more and more addicted to peppers :-D

I'm honestly feel like a newbie here. I've been experimenting with peppers and hot sauces, finding ones I like and don't like. My experiments are limited, but I'm liking pretty much everything I try so far :)

I'm planning on starting a garden next year and growing a few pepper plants (Jolokias and Bonnets, most likely, I'm not dead set on anything just yet) along with the rest of the stuff we'll be growing (mustard, garlic, and a few other herbs and veggies). I've been browsing the growing forum, hopefully I can get some halfway decent results. I really enjoy cooking, but I've never grown my own food before.

So anyway, just figured I'd say hi and introduce myself :)
:welcome: from Indiana. You have plenty of time to read and learn so there's no reason you can't get great results your first year. Just make sure to avoid the 3 common newbie mistakes:

1. Crappy potting mix/soil
2. Too much fertilizer
3. Too much water
