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Grilling a half hab & 4 Hot Peppers?

I know I have a simular question and if the mods think this is the same question then please by all means combine both topics ok?

Ok I want to grill half of a habanero, and 4 Jalapeno Since I've never grilled anything before unless it was on the foreman, So any way to sweeten up these hot peppers? I was thinking about a little red cooking wine and suger for some what of a sweet glaze.
the cooking wine might make it a little too runny where you'd like it to stick to the pods. you could also do a mixture of honey & sugar or use brown sugar, or just honey by its self ?
even honey will turn to a runny liquid in high heat so you will need to coat them often, but honey would have a better chance of sticking to the pods for the glazed chiles you want, IMO.

or there might be some other manmade ingredient that'd help for this, but natural - I'd use honey.
chilehunter said:
the cooking wine might make it a little too runny where you'd like it to stick to the pods. you could also do a mixture of honey & sugar or use brown sugar, or just honey by its self ?
even honey will turn to a runny liquid in high heat so you will need to coat them often, but honey would have a better chance of sticking to the pods for the glazed chiles you want, IMO.

or there might be some other manmade ingredient that'd help for this, but natural - I'd use honey.
Sounds good, I could get some candied jinger and throw that in the mixture as well.
QuadShotz said:
Just watch out for flame-ups adn burning with sugary stuff. :)

Me, I'd grill em first, than add the glaze/sauce at the last with a grill brush to get a ncie carmelize going.

quad - for the small ammount & short time on the grill I dont think you'd burn them.
I've basted with brown sugar (1/3 if not up to 1/2 of the baste was brown sugar) before & havent had a problem with any flare up or burning, of course I watch it.
this may also depend on the grill, I didnt start basting til about halfway cooked.
other than that, have at it phat just watch'em & if you're really worried place them on the top rack.
brown sugar, soy sauce,butter (more brown sugar so its not so liquidy)
really a tasty baste on grilled steaks!! & its so simple!