bottles-bottling Grinder bottles?

Lived with a suecheff for a bit.  Her restaurant was big time.  She had a degree from some university.  Made some damn fine breakfast.  Sex was so so.  Anyway, I figure she knew what she was talking about.  Every herb had to be ground right before use.  Theory was, if it was ground earlier there would be more surface area and more oxidation.  Been thinking on that, peppers, and how if you grid dried pods between your fingers you are asking for trouble.

So wondering, has anyone thought of or produced those little grinder bottles that you can buy whole black pepper in?  Even if the hot peppers were already broken up a bit, grinding them into a powder as you put it on your food would still decrease oxidation.  Hmmm..
Grass Snake, was wondering if people who sell powders were on it yet.  I remember seeing someone post about ghost peppers in a grinder, but there were only maybe two dried ghost peppers in there.  They were whole.  I was thinking of a product where they were partly ground, but then you finish it into a powder.  Seems so right there.