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Growing Aji Dulce

So I've just ordered some plants to be delivered mid-may and I was looking for any advice on growing them. I live in south west Idaho so we are zone five semi-arid. Hopefully I'll have a greenhouse by the end of the season for overwintering.

By the way, there is someone on e-bay selling these I paid twenty dollars for twelve plants including shipping, but they only have eight orders left.


I am in Southern California.

I purchased some Aji Dulce seeds from eBay seller: sol4u back in November. For me, they germinated in late March at really close to 100%.

My inexperience and impatience allowed me to put them outside in my cold-frame, methinks now, a little too early. Couple that with one hot day of inattention (no spritz of water in the morning) and the little guys got really wilted. I fear only one or, two will survive.

So, I had a look at the AD plants that you referred to on eBay and, like you, made a purchase. We will see.

If the seller's statement, "They're a very slow growing pepper, so if you didn't start propagation/sowing in late December/January, chances are you're probably out of time." is correct -- Which my minimal experience would support, getting established plants will be a nice boost.

Good luck to us both.

-= Mark =-
Yes they do grow fairly slowly but make sure you add a few teaspoons of bonemeal every couple of months. Peppers need plenty of calcium. Also once a month water them with a small amount of Epsom salts. This gives them magnesium and sulpher which are also required nutrients. One last tip, don't keep their roots soggy. Water right when the plant starts to get droopy. That's the formula I use with all my plants and each year I have more pods than I know what to do with. :)