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Growing basil inside?

Has anyone grown basil plants inside under MH/HPS lights. My pepper sprouts are almost ready to go outside and the old lady asked if I could put a small basil plant inside under the lights to help them grow bigger / faster. The setup is eitehr 1000 watt MH or HPS bulb in a small area. The lights are on for about 18 hours a day.
Really? Why is that? The spot I have it in now it did pretty good last year, but I noticed the area only gets say 4-5 hours of sun a day if that. So I was considering putting them under lights.

You must have stock in an energy company! I grew basil, Genovese and Thai under 105 watt CFL bulbs and they did great. I did have some under a 150 watt HPS for a while - the leaves got too close and burned.


Additional opinion: I hate, detest, cannot stand reading/hearing someone refer to their wife or girlfriend as "old lady." It sounds so disrespectful of someone who is a soul mate and best friend. Mom and Dad were married for 49 years before he died and never once did I hear him refer to mom by a derogatory term.

wordwiz said:
Additional opinion: I hate, detest, cannot stand reading/hearing someone refer to their wife or girlfriend as "old lady." It sounds so disrespectful of someone who is a soul mate and best friend. Mom and Dad were married for 49 years before he died and never once did I hear him refer to mom by a derogatory term.


Hey Mike,
I don't think he means it that way at all. This may very well be an issue with the discontinuity of succeeding generations. I think he means it in a joking cute way. Old lady, these days, tends to be a term just thrown around in place of terms referring to ones significant other. I also hope you don't take this as me calling you old or anything along those lines. I think it is very admirable that you avoid derogatory terms when speaking of those you love. It is also nice to see the love you have for your wife come through in your writing.

I am old, at least as I think back to my college days. None of us figured we would ever see our 30th b-day - I'm past that by nearly double. Perhaps it was the rain or ions in the air that caused me to opine my thoughts - I'm confident the OP doesn't mean anything negative about his partner. But if I can help end the use of the term - I'm a happy camper!

If you get 4 hours of light....cut down some trees.

If that is not an option, indoor may do well, but Basil is the FIRST thing to flourish under strong sun, and the FIRST to absolutely turn brown and croak when the sun fades in the fall. GOOD LUCK!
Got some basil growing in my aerogarden atm. It may not be the best vehicle in the world for germinating pepper seeds, but I have a nice supply of basil, dill, chives, and oregano.

Skydiver said:
Got some basil growing in my aerogarden atm. It may not be the best vehicle in the world for germinating pepper seeds, but I have a nice supply of basil, dill, chives, and oregano.

Very nice set-up! Your idea of a healthy supply and mine differ however ;).

Thanks for reminding me that I need to get a 5th basil plant as one of mine croaked.(cut worm:()

Just last night we had about 1/2 cup of julienned Basil on our chicken parmesan. That would have taken all of your beautiful little basil there!;)
cheezydemon said:
Very nice set-up! Your idea of a healthy supply and mine differ however ;).

Thanks for reminding me that I need to get a 5th basil plant as one of mine croaked.(cut worm:()

I have a ten Genovese plants and four Thai growing. If you count some that were scalded, that would be 16 Genovese! :rolleyes:

That is awesome Wiz!

I actually got 2 more, but actually each of them has 5 or 6 individual plants in it.

WAAAAAAY better to have too many than not enough!

Fresh basil goes so well on just about anything.
cheezydemon said:
If you get 4 hours of light....cut down some trees.

If that is not an option, indoor may do well, but Basil is the FIRST thing to flourish under strong sun, and the FIRST to absolutely turn brown and croak when the sun fades in the fall. GOOD LUCK!

I would like to cut them down, but that's not an option. I did trim back the lower branches quit a bit to get the few hours of sun that I do now, but they are growing very slow. I just moved about 50 pepper plants that I was able to grow from seed to 6" in about 6 weeks to the outside to finish growing. The closet has a 1000 watt MH setup and now that I have some extra space I thought why not. Do you think they will burn or die if I put them directly under that much light? I know they love full sun, but that bulb is a monster and I usually run it for 16-18 hours a day to get maximum growth out of the peppers.
cheezydemon said:
Very nice set-up! Your idea of a healthy supply and mine differ however ;).

Only have the dill and chives in there since my tomatoes aren't giving me ripe fruits yet. I'll probably switch to 3 basil plants then. I never ever ever eat raw tomatoes so I will be making sauces and salsas like mad.
Skydiver said:
Got some basil growing in my aerogarden atm. It may not be the best vehicle in the world for germinating pepper seeds, but I have a nice supply of basil, dill, chives, and oregano.

That is a nice setup! It would look pretty cool in the office, but I love fresh pasta and basil so that would not last me long. I have about 4-5 basil plants, 2-3 Thai Basil, several dill, onion, chive, rosemary, celantro, tyme, oregano growing outside. Out of all of them I probably use the basil the most and would love to get a monster plant that I could harvest often. I'll go ahead and put a smaller one under the lights to see how it works out. I know they like full sun so It should do good.
I topped my basil plants close to six weeks ago, even before they were transplanted. Now each plant has three-four branches, each six inches long or longer. In another week or so, I should be able to reap close to an ounce of leaves per plant each week.

wordwiz said:
I topped my basil plants close to six weeks ago, even before they were transplanted. Now each plant has three-four branches, each six inches long or longer. In another week or so, I should be able to reap close to an ounce of leaves per plant each week.


Yeah! I ....uh....reap a lot too! That's why I needed more.


Tons of fresh herbs, Nutritious and Delicious.
The basil thai and regular have really taken off. The small 1" thai clone has grown to almost 6" and is very bushy since putting it under the big 1000 MH and the other basil has tons of flowers and is really getting bushy. Looks like basil likes bright light after all. I should have pounds of pesto soon!
Do not allow basil to flower!!! Cut the top out and let it branch.

I harvested eight ounces of dry leaves last night. I don't see a great reason to spend 10ยข every hour to grow a plant when I can do it better for free.

wordwiz said:
Do not allow basil to flower!!!

Agreed wholeheartedly... If it flowers and goes to seed, it won't make any more leaves, nor will it taste like anything you'd want to put on your food. Pinch all flowers, and watch in amazement as your plant quadrouples in size...