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Growing Bonnets, Bhutlahs and Reapers

I plan on buying 3 live plants. One of a chocolate Bhutlah, one of a Scotch Bonnet, and one of a Carolina Reaper. I plan on putting them in a 5 gallon bucket each. I am definitely new to growing super hots and every website I read says something different. Any suggestions? I was just gonna use standard miracle grow potting soil, what ferts do you think I should use? Thanks.
If you're going to use containers get potting mix not potting soil. It's more aerorated and will drain better.
Mix perlite in with it to help improve drainage.
Don't add any ferts. Miracle Grow is already fertilized and pests loooove over fertilized nitrogen rich plants.
Make sure that you drill enough holes in the bucket for drainage. 
When you transplant into the 5 gal bucket give them a thorough drenching. I water until it runs out of the bottom of the bucket.
Honestly you might want to buy more than 1 each. Just to err on the side of caution.
sirex said:
If you're going to use containers get potting mix not potting soil. It's more aerorated and will drain better.
Mix perlite in with it to help improve drainage.
Don't add any ferts. Miracle Grow is already fertilized and pests loooove over fertilized nitrogen rich plants.
Make sure that you drill enough holes in the bucket for drainage. 
When you transplant into the 5 gal bucket give them a thorough drenching. I water until it runs out of the bottom of the bucket.
Honestly you might want to buy more than 1 each. Just to err on the side of caution.
Thank you for the feedback!!