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Growing Concern


I am new to the board. This is my second year with peppers. I am having a problem with two plants the first is a Thai Dragon & the second is Habanero. The problem is that the leaves just dont look right. Both are young plants purchased locally (Thai purchased a month ago and two weeks for the Habanero). Did a soil test today with a cheap rapitest meter and its reading around a 6.5. If anyone has any information I would greatly appreciate it. Both plants are in 5 gallon buckets drilled for drainage and about 2 inches of rocks covering the bottom. I live near Tucson Arizona and the peppers are outside.



Thai Dragon


Thai Dragon





:welcome: from iowa

those buckets dont look very full of mix and with 2 inches of rocks(not needed btw there is another recent post about this its actually counter productive) that dont leave much left for your mix/roots.
what mix are u using

myself would take rocks out make sure u have 10-12 1/2 holes around the sides very close to the bottom and fill mix to an inch of the top of the bucket

*edit to add link to post*
:welcome: from Portugal.

True, your plants look unhappy.

I'm going with what the other members said.

Maybe bad quality soil.

Soil would also be my first guess. Is the soil very heavy? Does it cake up when wet? And the buckets don't look filled very much, especially with 2 inches of rocks on the bottom.

If the soil's too thick or wet, it'll cause lotsa issues.
Thank you for the advice. I replaced the soil in the buckets and brought it up about 3 inches from the top. When taking out the plants I found that the soil was very hard an compact (don't remember the name of the soil) so I replaced everything other than what is around the root system. Used a 75/25 mixture of Miracle Grow Potting mix (75%) and Natures Way Cactus & Patio mix (25%).

The Natures Way Cactus & Patio Mix contains: Bark Mulch,Lava Sand, Humas, Peat Moss, Blood Meal, Kelp meal, Fish Meal, Dried Poultry compost, Cotton seed meal, alfalfa meal, and calcium Rock Phosphate

Also I drilled a few more holes at the bottom (already had 10 each).

Will give a couple of weeks and see what happens. Again thank you for the help.