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seeds Growing for Seed/ Organic Growing.

Hey guys I really want to produce plants for seed this year so that I can begin to build some independence. I'm already into a strain I find best suited to my likings would this be achieveable if only one strain were grown in an outdoor greenhouse?
Also how would sunshine mix #4 ammended with mega worm earth worm castings sound as far as being a medium for the season? I'll be only feeding then Boogie Brew Compost Tea and SEA-90 ocean minerals with it. As well as foliar feeding with Pure Protien fish hydrolysate, with an occasional Xtreme Gardening Cal Carb foliar. How does that sound? I'd love to get feedback by you experienced growers out there. Keep in mind I'm going organic. Just needa know if its as solid as I think it is...I just tried to keep it simple.
Yeah will work, I hand pollinate my squash, and other veggies I want to save.  It's pretty easy and if you like a strain you get to grow it year after year and not worry about finding it.  
I think using all the different stuff you plan on indoors is going to lead to future posts about bug problems etc.
I have no idea about some of the stuff you plan on using.

In general,indoor grows are prime targets for critters that don't get what they want in the winter outside.
Soil mix is one thing.
Foliar spray,indoors/greenhouse is another.
In a basement back east you might get away with it.Freezing temps. outside.
Here we have critters year round.
In Ca. temps. you might be asking for trouble.

Stuff that thins out outdoors might move indoors for the winter-inside at the Least is spring conditions.

I'd go with whatever soil mix tickles your fancy.

IF your soil is good,you don't need spraying the leaves.

Roots were designed to do their thing.
Leaves are designed to do their thing too.

My opinion is runoff from foliar feeding is that run off in the soil is probably doing the most for your plant.

I've never seen anyone cover 1/2 or even 1 of their plants soil while treating ALL their plants the same...

I'd pretty much bet if they did they would find the pots that the soil wasn't protected did best.
In a lot of cases I've read that foliar feeding can mess with Photosynthesis.
Clogs things up,coats the leaves.
Then other stuff says only certain PH or whatever mixes are able to be ONLY obsorbed by leaves.

In the past,I tried foliar spray-taking plants outside to apply.
Once I got tired of doing it,I used the tea as a soil fert.
The plants with the tea on them did attrack critters and didn't do as well as the ones I used the same soil ferts on BUT used the tea as a spoil fert.

My grow is My grow.

Might not be like yours-probably isn't.
BUT I'd be careful.
A LOT of my mite problems started or got worse when I was using foliar sprays.
Might just have been the extra moisture or whatever,I really don't know.

Just giving you something to think about.

Would be a cool if you set a couple plants aside and wrap one pot with saran or something,treat them both the same.
Actually 3 plants,Foliar feed,soil drench with foliar feed tea and one with just the soil and nutes(minus teas).
Would be cool to see what you find out in your grow.

It would only cost you 3 plants BUT could give us info on wether all the foliar feeding or whatever is worth messing with.

If you get caught in this state selling organic ANYTHING without being certified it could cost you a TON of $.
Costs a LOT of hassle to get certified along with $.
I know people who already jumped through the hoops here.
For several seasons they thought they were finally good to go.
For several seasons CA. tossed a wrench in the works.
They are fully certified etc. now-State AND Fed.
I guess it depends on what you want to do.
My friends grow high end stuff for Yuppie scarf and barfs/restaurants.
They started growing Hydro veggies in the late 60's or early 70's.
They make insane $ for a lot of weeds that the customers buy.
They love the foodie crap,it raises the price of grass clippings per bunch by the day.
Organic also raises the cost of these weeds even higher.

Hey Buddy,Ya wanna buy some choice Dandelion flowers and greens?
Maybe a couple tomatoes or?
I got a deal for you...Wanna buy the golden gate bridge-I know a guy...
@smokemaster: The greenhouse is outdoors. Not indoors. Thanks for the advice though but now that that is clarified any advice on that?

Yet the AACT is never used as a foliar feed...never seen it as a foliar food, while I have used the Pure Protien as a root drench and it seemed to do very well yet it's pretty expensive stuff to use as a root drench and lasts longer as a foliar. So as far as the Fish hydrolysate (pure protein) is concerned the foliar/drench/runoff is worthy.
A greenhouse is indoor growing in general.
A controlled grow-temps etc.
Outside of your house doesn't mean outside growing conditions.

Since Salinas(been there) is in part of the bread basket of Ca.
I wonder why you need a greenhouse other than for isolation...Control.

But then,it depends on your greenhouse-shade cloth,plastic or whatever.

I said I have no idea about some of the stuff in your post that you plan to use.

Had no intention to say your ideas or grow is good or bad.

I grow my plants the way I do.
You do as you do...

Was just trying to give you something to think about IN GENERAL.
As I said,I have no clue as to some of the stuff you plan on using for YOUR GROW.

AACT means nothing to me in general.
More internet stuff about if I don't do whatever I've failed...

In general most teas are a waste of time.

You can get the same stuff buy buying whatever AND OR building a good soil mix.

Just my opinion.
Nature rules.

Micros or whatever are natural in good soil.
Only reason you'd have to add them is if your soil wasn't already up to par.
They are microbes or whatever that should be naturally in a good soil or compost pile.

My Opinion,nothing more.

I'm not trying to rain on your parade.

You asked questions,I gave you my thoughts on them.

With my opinion and knowledge from playing with stuff over the years.
Right or wrong.

I wasn't trying to mess with you,just saying what I think.

As I said Your grow or for that matter is different than mine.

You asked for opinions.

I gave my ideas about ONLY my experiences.

Not trying to say you are right or wrong,that'll come from your grow/plants/harvest at seasons end.

I would really like to see your posts about the differences IF ANY( NOTE IF ANY) if you set 3 plants aside as I posted above.
Would be VERY informative.

A similar discussion is going on about treating seeds with Gib acid etc.
Very informative when posts are from current grows etc.IF you see what I'm trying to say.

I don't think I misunderstood you post.
You might have misunderstood my answer.

It was just to give you a general idea about what I THINK I've learned over the years.
Nothing more.
I have NEVER been considered an expert or close to it.
Just something to think about in general.

I wish you figure your grow out so your plants kick A$$.

IF you decide to experiment with 3 plants it would be great.
I think it would be VERY VALUABLE info.
People don't like to take the time to prove or disprove stuff these days.
Whatever is cool on the net rules.

Hope your post gets lots of replies.
More info,good or bad is better than people just doing the same thing patting each other on the back.

Too much stuff these days is If you can't Dazzle them with brilliance,Baffle them with B.S.

Possibilities are endless these days.

Lots of people complain for hydro they have to go to pot growing sites.
They almost always take the info on growing that $ crop as the same for every plant.
YES there is a ton of info on these sites that MIGHT and WILL work for other grows.
BUT these sites are for specific plants.
To me they are a GREAT starting point as far as growing other plants etc.
But as far as a LOT of plants go,their lighting and soil mixes/nutes are plant specific.

Way back When you used to use 3500k,5000-6500k fluoros AND a few regular light bulbs in your closet grow to get the best results.
Fish fert. and Seaweed Extract.

Things these days change from day to day.
I like LEDs for my grow.
Might not work for yours.
I make my soil mixes and light panels according to my bank book and what costs me the least but gives me the pods I need.

Lots of variables.
Hope you get the info you need for your grow.
Sometimes simple is better.
Right on man, Thanks alot sorry I misunderstood what you had to say. 
And yes it seriously did get me thinking, the proposition has been made to do some experimenting.
Also yes I'm using the tea because I'm barely building my soil so I figured this would help.
NATURE RULES! of course hence why I'm all about organic growing.
Thanks man I appreciate your input. Great food for though.