growing in ontario canada

Are hot peppers plated at the same time as the rest of the garden? Around the may 24 weekend? I am looking at habs and Jalapeño as well as sweet red and green. It will be seedlings from the local nursery.

Just started my other bbq herbs today. Hopeing with early warm weather to get eveything going soon.

One last question. squirrels get into our garden when the corn spouts. Should I be worried about my peppers?

Thanks in advanced.:?:
with the awesome weather we're having, I'd like to think that by May 24 we'll be safe. But you never know when an unexpected frost might hit. I'm planning for May 24 if overnight temps have been well above zero for a few weeks. Where are you in Ontario? Further south = safer bet for mid-late May.
Where in Ontario are you? I'm near Ottawa and I'd never plant in the ground before the middle of June. We had frost June 8th a few years ago and the ground is usually still a bit too cold for peppers. Plants will grow almost the same or even better in containers so never be in a hurry. One cool night can ruin a whole season
Well, i know its risky but i have planted on May 24th weekend as well every year. Frost will surely destroy peppers. You have to be diligent and keep a close eye on the weather. I have had to cover them several time with success and have not had a plant die on me yet.
In regards to squirrels, they have salivation glands and nerves in their mouths so they can feel the burn just like us. I has one try to bite into a super chile one time and lets just say he dropped it quick and took off. The only problem ive had is field mice eat at the stems on young chile plants. I grow them larger so the stems are too thick for them to bother with.
Cutworms too.
May 24 usually works for me. Sometimes I can keep them in my greenhouse from May 1 onward to get them hardened off.
I am down near cornwall ontario. Close to the quebec border.

Thanks for all the help. It is my first year for hots, and I dont want to scew them up.