growing materials

Hello my fellow chili friends! :) Being the fact that I'm a newbie when it comes to growing.
I havent even made it to the sprouting stage yet. I'm just trying to get a feel for what people use in thier pots NOT HYDRO, after the second set of leaves form. Please list what you use in your pots, including the brand name and where to find the supplies. Also what kind of fertilizer. Thanks!!! As this will help me be very successful in my first pepper journey. Please help and follow
me on my quest. Thanks for the help!!! :dance: :mouthonfire: :)
Everyone has their own mixes, of course, but in general, you want a good draining soil for peppers.

I use: 2 parts compost, 1 part worm castings, and 1 part perlite. All can be found either online, or at most gardening centers.
Everyone has their own mixes, of course, but in general, you want a good draining soil for peppers.

I use: 2 parts compost, 1 part worm castings, and 1 part perlite. All can be found either online, or at most gardening centers.

thanks my friend! You never mentioned what brand names you use. Also, when you mention 1 part this one part that,
does is mean one handfull? Sry as im totally new to planting. Ive never grown anything before lol.
Like, as in percentage, you know? 50% compost, 25 castings and 25 perlite. And, I don't really have a brand preference. The worm castings were taken from my worm farm. Otherwise, I hear that FoxFarm Ocean forest is an excellent soil to use. It really comes down to situation, in my opinion. One soil may be satisfactory for all plants, but it might need some adjustments to better suit one kind of plant.
Like, as in percentage, you know? 50% compost, 25 castings and 25 perlite. And, I don't really have a brand preference. The worm castings were taken from my worm farm. Otherwise, I hear that FoxFarm Ocean forest is an excellent soil to use. It really comes down to situation, in my opinion. One soil may be satisfactory for all plants, but it might need some adjustments to better suit one kind of plant.
K gotcha thanks! What fertilizer do you use? And do you use a blossom booster or bone meal?
Hey megahot,

Once my seedlings are up and running I pot up with a lite mix. A combo of Fafards Metro Mix and Sunshine Mix #1. When transplanting to 1 or 2 gallons pots I go with a little heavier medium and add Fox Farm's "Happy Frog". As far as Nutrients I use Fish Emulsion, Liquid Kelp, Epsom Salts, Bonacare's Pro Blend, Cal Mag and Karma.........hmmm ...oh and Osmocote...
No Castings, Guano nor Compost are used inside...only outdoors.
My outdoor mix is quite different...

Good luck with your growing expierence, there's alot of good info on this site...

Hey megahot,

Once my seedlings are up and running I pot up with a lite mix. A combo of Fafards Metro Mix and Sunshine Mix #1. When transplanting to 1 or 2 gallons pots I go with a little heavier medium and add Fox Farm's "Happy Frog". As far as Nutrients I use Fish Emulsion, Liquid Kelp, Epsom Salts, Bonacare's Pro Blend, Cal Mag and Karma.........hmmm ...oh and Osmocote...
No Castings, Guano nor Compost are used inside...only outdoors.
My outdoor mix is quite different...

Good luck with your growing expierence, there's alot of good info on this site...

Thanks Greg! Do you have photos or a youtube channel, so I can look at your plants?
I have been using Miracle Grow Potting mix and MG plant fertizer for years......not a serious grower........not pleased at all with results.....I recently joined this site and I am trying new things this year and have increased my varieties from 2 to 9 types......always in pots....will buy promix as potting mix.....that cannot be bought home depot or need to find a local source.....will use epsom salts, Miracle-Gro® Shake 'n Feed® Tomato, Fruits & Vegetables Continuous Release Plant Food Plus Calcium (bought at HD) for my peppers with NPK of 9-4-12 with Micronutrients and added calcium, possibly CALMAG (if needed), fish emulsion and for bugs/disease .....Bonide Citrus, Fruit & Nut Orchard Spray (bought ad HD)

Not sure how well this combination will work......but ready for change.

Good luck
I'm a first time grower too and I'm interested in the fertilizers others use too.

I plan to germinate in paper towels soaked in a hydrogen peroxide and water solution (2 tsp hydrogen peroxide to 1 cup water) and then move them to peat pellets to grow after they have germinated. Then I plan to move them to 1 gallon root pouches. My initial plan for potting is to use a basic potting soil without any fertilizers mixed in. Then use fish emulsion fertilizer (Alaska has two kinds, one for vegetative growth - high N low PK - and one for flowering - low N high PK). I also plan to use epsom salts as well. When the plants are big enough then I'll pot them up to 5 gallon root pouches.

To combat pests I'll use the Bonide Citrus, Fruit & Nut Orchard Spray that Trini wrote about above me. More info on it can be found here:

I'm hoping that covers it and helps you get an idea of what to use as well.
K gotcha thanks! What fertilizer do you use? And do you use a blossom booster or bone meal?

I like to keep it simple. Add a potent blend of a natural fertilizer, 12-6-6, then add my hydroponics nutrients in seedling concentrations, and then water for 2 days every 2 weeks. My formula will change when it transitions to bloom though.
For soil I like to mix my own. I would suggest doing the same and trying to match the soil to your specific growing needs based on your area and location. For me I have very cool summers and my temps rarely get over 85 if that. I also grow my plants on a patio and they only get around 6-8 hours full sun a day so a quick draining mix with peat moss, perilite a small amount of sand and a bit of home made black gold and Magnesium sulfate works best for my specific conditions.

I found that using a large home made earth box type of containers did much better than my potted plants. Since I have very little growing space I needed to use an earth box container because I also grow on my 2nd story patio and didn't want to water often. As a result I found out my peppers plants produced a LOT more fruit then the ones on the downstairs patio in a 10 gallon containers.

I also amend my soil with a about 1" of worm compost half way through the grow season and a bi-weekly feeding of worm tea. Peppers are very hungry plants and need constant fertilization if you want big yields.

Good luck!
For soil I like to mix my own. I would suggest doing the same and trying to match the soil to your specific growing needs based on your area and location. For me I have very cool summers and my temps rarely get over 85 if that. I also grow my plants on a patio and they only get around 6-8 hours full sun a day so a quick draining mix with peat moss, perilite a small amount of sand and a bit of home made black gold and Magnesium sulfate works best for my specific conditions.

I found that using a large home made earth box type of containers did much better than my potted plants. Since I have very little growing space I needed to use an earth box container because I also grow on my 2nd story patio and didn't want to water often. As a result I found out my peppers plants produced a LOT more fruit then the ones on the downstairs patio in a 10 gallon containers.

I also amend my soil with a about 1" of worm compost half way through the grow season and a bi-weekly feeding of worm tea. Peppers are very hungry plants and need constant fertilization if you want big yields.

Good luck!
Thank you! I appreciate the advice! My situation is similiar to yours, maybe a hair warmer during the summer. I will keep those thoughts in mind! :)