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Growing Poppy

I saw a show last night that talked about poppy.
Not knowing what they were, I order some poppy seeds a few months back thinking these would make nice flowers for the garden. I think I ordered some Poppy 'Giganteum' that's right the one grown in Afghanistan and Iran.
They said it is legal to grow poppy and the brown seeds are of culinary value but the green seeds are illegal and scaring the pod could get you in serious trouble.

I'm not sure if I'm going to grow them now, kinda scary. :scared:
Blows me away to know you can legally grow poppy knowing how potent these thing can be and yet it is highly illegal to grow something much milder...

I'm I overreacting or should I destroy the seeds? I'm just interested in the flowers don't want any trouble.
could always bake a cake.

In Oz the stuff grows the full length of the inland highway. A legacy of the Asian immigrants who came to build the railway during the gold rush. It's just a weed they can't stop.

Grow it & plead ignorance if theres a problem.
No-one other than those that do know, will know that it is what it is. Those that would like to know will not know. I dunno...

One of my high school teachers used to joke that he had some in his front yard for years. Beautiful plant he reckoned.

A couple of years ago, we heard what sounded like gunshots down the street and of course, called 911. A moment later, my son saw someone in the backyard so we grabbed weapons, ran outside and kindly suggested it was time to lay on his stomach and grab some dirt with his teeth. The cops finally showed up (after a third call to 911!), questioned the guy and set him free. This was at about midnight.

Three hours later, this guy shows back up, searching the yard, claiming he has lost his cell phone. He left.

The next summer I was hoeing my tomatoes and what do I find - some volunteer pot plants. Nobody in this house sowed them but I have to wonder if the cops would have believed me had they, for some reason or other, decided to search the garden.

To answer the orginal question, I would grow them if you want but I sure would claim they are just pretty flowers. No way would I claim I didn't know it was illegal to grow poppies!

wordwiz said:
... so we grabbed weapons, ran outside

Mike I'm never going to steal your peppers :shocked:

I did some research and found out that the resign needs to be processed by lots of chemicals before it turns out to form drug so even if a teenager sneaks into my backyard to steal my plants he won't be able to get high.

Bad news is I don't have the Giganteum (they did sell it at the seed store) but I have about 5 other different kinds.

When I ordered them I thought I was ordering peony D'OH!

The fact that these babies are borderline illegal makes me want to grow them even more.

Crap now I got to order some real peony.
when we first moved to ptbo the house we bought had a huge front garden full of poppies, we just left 'em and they kept getting more and more. noone ever hassled us over it, of course if we were in the states i'm sure the would have called us a sleeper cell and sent us all down to gitmo...

I wouldn't worry, nobody will bust you for growing poppies unless you have a field of them.
what about flanders field?
There are so many varieties and I am pretty sure that NOBODY except a few experts could even tell what you are growing. And even if they could, as long as you purchased them legally and are not a well known pot grower and crack smoker and have your sweet smoke filled house full of books by Leary, nobody would not believe you if you said you planted them for decoration and in good faith.

If everything else fails, you still got the weapons....:P
My poppies grow around my mailbox right next to the road in plain view. No poppy police ever stopped here. Stop being so paranoid.
Chiliac said:
Well, I prefer being paranoid to being in the slammer, but in this case I'd also recommend taking it easy!
aaah GOOD point!:shocked:

Do opium poppies look different than regular poppies?

nope. Do an image search in google. There are so many color varieties of poppies now too.