seeds growing tips for post germination wanted

this is my first season growing i am in south Texas and i am now just getting germination in my two cell trays i have going i have the trays under a grow light and on a heat pad i have started to get really excited seeing all of them are popping up but they seem very small and fragile how woud you guys recommend to keep them alive until they are a little more established
Keep a moursture cover over them for now & mist them often.
thank you for the advice how long would you keep them inside for they are tiny right now is there a rule of thumb of how old or tall they need to be before they go outside and while they are inside how long should i keep the heat pad on them for
Post some pictures so we can help you more 🙂
Some advices: you can put the plants outside whenever you want, as long as the temperature does not drop below 10C (50F); preferably, peppers appreciate temperatures between 68F and 82F. I usually wait until the plants are 4 inches of height, but it's not a rule. I think that everyone may change its own rules according to the size of the plants and the weather, you will find yours, just try 😉
Use the heat pads indoor if temperatures are low (I set the pads to 77F because I have 62F at home, that is low).
thank you for the advice how long would you keep them inside for they are tiny right now is there a rule of thumb of how old or tall they need to be before they go outside and while they are inside how long should i keep the heat pad on them for
If I were you, I would go to the GLOGS & find growers in your growing zone.
You can see when they started their seeds, when to transplant into pots & when to plant outside.

A guideline you can use for your own grow, as timing is everything.
very important: do not forget to harden the plants off before leaving them outside for good. this is when you transport them outside for limited periods so they can gradually get used to the sun and wind of the outdoors, starting with 1 hour per day and increasing by 1 hour every couple days.
If there's a rule of thumb, it's 3-4 sets of true leaves before transplanting out, but assessing your circumstances and hardening off the plants are significant. The smaller the plant is, the less likely it is to survive the shock of going out into the natural sun and potentially a transplant at the same time. So, in general, the younger the plant the more careful you have to be. Shock will still set back bigger plants, but they're less likely to die as a result.
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very important: do not forget to harden the plants off before leaving them outside for good. this is when you transport them outside for limited periods so they can gradually get used to the sun and wind of the outdoors, starting with 1 hour per day and increasing by 1 hour every couple days.
Thank you this is very helpful at how many hours would you put them outside completely and does the time of day that I do this matter like should I do this in the mornings or after noons or doesn’t matter and should it be full sun or partial ?
Thank you every one for all the advice they are just starting to get true leaves so I have a little bit I’m just going to keep the humidity cover on for a little bit and keep misting them i think all of yalls advice gave me a good guide to go off of the one question I have if any one can recommend if I should turn the heating pad off at a certain point
Thank you this is very helpful at how many hours would you put them outside completely and does the time of day that I do this matter like should I do this in the mornings or after noons or doesn’t matter and should it be full sun or partial ?
at the very start i would avoid putting them out in the full sun/heat of the day. myself, since i work during the day, i just put them out at 5pm when i get home. i try to get them some more sun on the weekends when i can choose when they go out.

as far as when to leave permanently outside, whenever you think they are well-adjusted, or once you have left them out for as many hours in a day as they would get full sun in the location you will be leaving them.

but i am no expert, and others may be able to respond with more precise/regimented schedules they follow.