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Growing Trinidad Scorpion Butch T. pepper.

Hi guys.
As you can see I'm new here, and I don't just mean the site, I mean in growing, cooking and doing other stuff to Hot stuff. My mane objective is, plane and simple, make a Chili Souce so this is only the first part of my journey and so I thought this would be a great place to communicate and get help.
But I should have done that before ordering Tinidad Scorpion Butch T. pepper tho, but I orderd it and I will need help growing it, if it's even possible.

So yeah...is there any requirements to grow this pepper, are there any special tool's that I need and stuff like that, any help would be apprisiated.

Please keep in mind that this is my first serious atempt at growing stuff.

English is not my native language so there's gona be some funny mistakes...
Hello and welcome. From some experience one of the most important things required is patience. Some of the superhots can take quite a while to germinate, but once they do they dont require constant attention. Also a reputable souce for seeds is very important, as i also wanted butch t peppers but the seeds ended up being some kind of wax pepper.
It may be a little late in the year to start growing [background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Butch T in Latvia. You have long, cold winters there right?[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]I know most people in UK planted their superhots at the start of January/ February [/background]
Basically do what you have to do keep the germination temperatures at or around 85 degrees. They will take about three weeks max although some people say 1 month, i go with three weeks. With most of your action in the 2 week period. Keep your soil moist but not soaking wet and you will be good!
I should have mentioned this at the start... but I live in an appartment so for the winter I will have to find a nice spot for it in my room, but I also have a balcony so for the next months I will keep it where the sun is shining.

I probably end up making my own souce but what's a reputable souce??
Wax pepper... Is that because of the souce or the pepper??

Yeah. But like I said I'll have to make use of my appartment, hopefully that will be enough.

Joseph Stalin
That's 30C right??
I think I can manage that, it's not hot now but it definently will be when the seed's arrive.
How often do I have to water it anyway to keep it moist and no soaking wet??
BTW, check out this guys videos, they are pretty helpfull at growing peppers.
And if you don't agree on his stuff then please post your thoughts here. I would love to learn as much as posible before I start creating life.
I personally like to go by what the plant is telling me if it looks un-happy and you haven't watered then water if it looks happy no need to water
I planted one and it took a month to come up +1 for patience. It was just pre planting jitters... I started it in a little pot in the window. month later i planted a bunch more and they came up in about a week and half. You can do it and its not hard at all. Just try not to over think every thing and keep it simple. Its gonna grow... Like others said there's tons of great info on here! Just read your heart out and you will find answers to what ever you need. if you can't find it just ask and someone will answer. There's tons of great people on here and no question is a dumb question. Good luck with your grow and be ready for some serious heat with those. Lol