Growing upside down?

Curious to now if anyone is doing the upside down thing this year?  I think it is kind of fun and looks great to have hanging baskets around the place, but most baskets are either too small or too ugly.  Used five gallon buckets in the past, works fine but ugly.
So not only did I ask the same question twice but twice nobody answered?  Now that you linked that, I do remember asking.  Didnt before.  Think cause before was thinking of space in a high tunnel and now I am thinking of improving the porch and car port jungles.  So let me turn this thread into the container garden beautification thread.

Got car port and have small porch.  In previous years, use both for hardening off.  This year, thinking larger plants in containers for beautification.  Maybe a water feature and turtle pond.  Anyone going for beautification this year?  Tips and ideas?

Ye, I ramble.  Trying to get discussion going.  Seems like before plant out, we are all kind of low on the posts.  Sorry if I get redundant.
I had remembered a thread on the subject didn't realize it was yours until I used the search function. Not exactly the same but I grew a yellow Manzano clone in a hanging pot last year. pics on here someplace. It really enjoyed being in the hanging pot and made picking easy. Got the idea from blues an on here,me grow a bunch of pubes in hanging pots.

When I use to drive for a private ambulance service we would take Folks who were MR to this giant year round greenhouse for therapy. I gave the guy who ran it some super chili seeds and he grew a few plants in large hanging pots and the plants had 1000's of pods. I think if you pic the variety well it should be a great use of extra space that would other wise be lost.
Please share more about plant therapy.  I ask cause I kind of think what I do for a living is same thing.  After tbi bout a decade ago, we became homesteaders.  Much help with depression at the time.  Seeing something go from the size of a pepper seed to a four foot or taller plant is amazing.  I know it is mother nature mostly, but you get the sense that you did that.
I actually took a class in school on horticultural therapy.plants make me horty...haha The place with the greenhouse or I should say greenhouses as there was 2 side by side with a causeway in the middle. Some folks would come to work with plants helping to repot,etc. as part of their therapy. others would just sit in their wheel chairs and enjoy watching others and being surrounded by green.

Here's a few pics I took on a couple of my trips there. They also sold plants, I picked up a lot of nice orchids from them really cheap. Winter was awesome as they had banana trees, pineapples, guava, fig trees etc all in fruit.









