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pests Grrrrr....aphids

I guess my poor little peppers cannot get a break. Spotted little tiny white aphids tonight on 1/3 my plants. I seperated them, and sprayed them with 2 tsp dishsoap in 1qt of water. Having soap on my plants and soil worries me though. Wont that hurt them or am I being over-cautious?

Imma try that Monterey natural mite and insect control tomorrow. Any other tips appreciated. Wife wont let me release ladybugs in the house....
I had the same issue and I used lady bugs. They killed everything in site. But since the old ball-n-chain :doh: won't let you do that I think the monterey would be a good choice. I've read on here about people using it and being very pleased with it. Let us know how it works just in case! Good luck!
If you try the various applications like Neem oil, soaps, etc. and have poor results, try to convince the wife to consider ladybugs. I tried for months to get rid of aphids in the greenhouse and the bedroom grow room and failed. It only takes a few survivors, and the population explodes in no time. Less than 100 ladybugs released in the bedroom took care of the problem in just a few days. They stayed on the plants until the job was done, and a few went to the window. I have not seen an aphid for a long time. My problem now is finding food for them to eat.
...My problem now is finding food for them to eat.


Got this recipe a few years ago from a friend on another forum.

Good LadyBug Chow

Mix all the following ingredients together in a glass or plastic container:
2/3 cup of warm water
4 tablespoons of brewer's yeast
2 teaspoons of honey
1/2 cup of sugar
To use: Take 2 tablespoons of the mix and dilute it in 1 quart of lukewarm water. Use this solution to spray on plants in the spring and early part of summer. Remember don't spray plants when temperatures are over 80F. Store the mixture in a sealed container in the refrigerator so it won't go rancid. It will keep for 7-10 days. The sugar in it is actually good for your plants.

Since I have them in the house I didn't want to spray the stuff all over so I reduced the water and made a paste which i put on small pieces of cardboard.

I also think it has a longer shelf life than 7-10 days.

I made a paste also. I put it on the little pieces of cardboard and scattered them about. Worked pretty well.

P.S. Should you happen to see this, Thanks again John for sharing this recipe. :)
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Got this recipe a few years ago from a friend on another forum.

Good LadyBug Chow

Mix all the following ingredients together in a glass or plastic container:
2/3 cup of warm water
4 tablespoons of brewer's yeast
2 teaspoons of honey
1/2 cup of sugar
To use: Take 2 tablespoons of the mix and dilute it in 1 quart of lukewarm water. Use this solution to spray on plants in the spring and early part of summer. Remember don't spray plants when temperatures are over 80F. Store the mixture in a sealed container in the refrigerator so it won't go rancid. It will keep for 7-10 days. The sugar in it is actually good for your plants.

Since I have them in the house I didn't want to spray the stuff all over so I reduced the water and made a paste which i put on small pieces of cardboard.

I also think it has a longer shelf life than 7-10 days.

I made a paste also. I put it on the little pieces of cardboard and scattered them about. Worked pretty well.

P.S. Should you happen to see this, Thanks again John for sharing this recipe. :)

+1 This is great info DownRiver...thanks for sharing.
