auction Guessing game seeds - Auction

I know alot of people were guessing on the cutting board seeds and I am sure some people would still like some. In this Morouga Scorpion pod

there were 64 seeds. So, I am going to split them into four(4) 16 seed packs. Here is how it will work. Winners will only get one pack. The top 4 bids will get 1 pack. So, you don't have to be the top bid, but you have to be in the top 4.

Bidding to start at 64ยข

This will end at 8pmEST on October 23rd, 2011

And thank you THP for providing a place for this fun to occur.
In the case of overseas bids do you think an extra amount of $ should be added? Makes sense to me.
Ok so I am halving more today for some puree. Going to add 16 more seeds to each of these 4 packs, so the 4 winners will get a pack of 32 Morouga scorp seeds. I am halving both morougas and trinidads, but am going to keep the morouga seeds separate.

Little over a day left here.