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seeds Guidance/help needed with Aji Habanero seedlings

Greetings, friends, I could use a bit of input or guidance with my Aji Habaneros. They are not lookin' so good. The cotyledons came in last week yellow-ish, with a green stripe down the middle. I wrote that off to just probably being a unique look. Then the first true leaves started coming in a few days ago, and they are very yellow. Hardly any green. Perhaps that is how they're supposed to look. As you can see in the pics below, they're getting the same treatment as all my other seedlings. They're in coco-coir, no fert yet, reasonable amount of water, on a heating pad now set to 70 but previously set to 85 for germination, under a bank of 8 T5 flouros. Let's look at some pics:

The overall setup; the aji habs are on the far right in column 12 (yes, yes, I know, the aji amarillos in the 4th slot from the left are a complete disaster - another problem for another day)


Here we see on the far right the column of aji habaneros:


Now we're gettin' to the meat of the matter. Look at these pathetically yellow first true leaves:


Another view of the first true leaves:


And a final view of these aji hab leaves:


Now just for some contrast, here is a robust and healthy Aji Crystal with first true leaves:



Those little guys look alright to me. Keep a good eye on them to make sure it doesn't get worse. Sometimes it takes a little while for the chlorophyll to fully enter developing leaves.
I agree with the fellas, different variety of plant different growth characteristics, may be norm, weak shot of nitro maybe--10% strength

keep us up to date, SC
I have the same thing happenning with my Aji Habaneros seedlings...
The cotyledons were green, but the leaves began to grow yellow and began to have a little green after growing a little, but they aren't all green yet...

It's very strange, all my other plant grow well, maybe something relative to this strain ?
I hope it's not a virus. (i have no clue on seedlings, never had a virus on a plant yet)
i would try rotating the 36 cell tray (180°)so the aji habs
are near the middle of the grow area rather than the end
and see if that (maybe)the end of the area has less light?
if the new inhabitator of that end does a slight yellowing act
you could try rotating the trays every couple days
Fayah dude the ajis you pictured look like they got a sunburn
either too close to the lights or too much sun too fast?
I don't think so... no problem on the other peppers.
As i said, the leaves began to grow entirely yellow, and are getting greener every day.
It's really strange.