Guyana Tragedy PI 238046

Guyana Tragedy PI 238046 Cap. Chinense    is one  of the most beautiful pepper plants I have grown...its has a vast array of colors as per photo above.
It came from the interior of Guyana,near the Brazilian border, AKA Rainforest territory..which I had the privilege  of seeing first hand. :cool:
I dislike  the name thus I refer to it as  "Guyana Treasure"...good heat too.
People grow hot peppers for different reasons....for me its not so much the heat,as the spectacle it presents as it matures,the colors,shape etc..YMMV.
You should grow break the monotony of red & green...well that's all she wrote & showed for now!! :P
wiriwiri said:
People grow hot peppers for different reasons....for me its not so much the heat,as the spectacle it presents as it matures,the colors,shape etc..YMMV.
You should grow break the monotony of red & green...well that's all she wrote & showed for now!! :P
one of my favorite pepper plants was the NMSU tobasco plant.
its leaves never got distorted in the deadly heat(none of the frutenses i grew did for that mater), and the pods ripen through like 3 colors. the plethora of flowers and pods means you always have those three colors too. it gets tremendously huge and though, so its not a real ornimental imho...
i loved the bih jolokia plant too... its foliage grows into a mushroom shape if you prune out the bottom limbs. the pods are alot smaller than a bhut, so naturally there are alot more of them dotted throughout the plant. only problem is... the plant gets mangled by the heat here, and ends up with twisted distorted foliage and around 90 days of near 0 pod productivity... not that i could eat those pods anyway. 

I had picked up a couple of seeds from a seed train last year, but I couldn't get them to germ.  Where is your seed source for these?
bpiela said:
I had picked up a couple of seeds from a seed train last year, but I couldn't get them to germ.  Where is your seed source for these?
I got the seeds from a friend.Would you like some?
How do they taste you ask?
Well lets see, the taste is  a bit sweet/fruity, somewhat perfumy along with some hab flavor.
Its not overpowering in term of heat,I would say a 6-7/10 for heat....I like it,what can I has earned a spot in my 2017 seed repertoire as a repeat offender for sure :P
BTW   I only grow in containers.I could see this  plant spreading its wings  and getting over loaded if it were planted in the ground.