food Hab Puppies

Hey all! Just saw pappywith4's catfish batter recipe on here, so I thought I'd throw a hushpuppy recipe out there to go with it. May be a repost, but I didn't see it. So here it is::)

2 cups self-rising cornmeal
1/2 cup self-rising flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1/2 cup grated onion
1/4 cup chopped bell pepper
1 cup buttermilk
2 medium eggs
12 fresh red and/or orange habanero pods thoroughly minced

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl and wisk thoroughly. Set to the side and do the same in a seperate bowl with all the wet ingredients. Mix two bowls together and wisk until mixed well. Adjust batter with a little more cornmeal or buttermilk depending on thickness. You want it to be very thick but not dry. Set mix to the side for 15-20 minutes to let it set up. This helps it make very crisp puppies (or so I'm told:lol:)

Heat deepfryer to 400 degrees. You can use 2 tablespoons to place batter into oil when it is heated enough to cook. Dip both spoons into the oil and then use the spoons to scoop out enough mix to fill spoon and then use other spoon to help shape mix and to help place mix into oil. Cook until golden brown and enjoy!!!
Sounds good. Now makem' and post some pics of teh chaos! Do that and you will have minions of chilehead slaves bowing before you in worship! Those would be great in a baconaisse dip!
I knew someone would want pics so I made some up before my son's football game. Sorry for the crappy camera and pics, but maybe you can see them enough. They are good!!



Not the best pics, but best I can do until oldest boy shows up with good camera. :lol:
TB you are so demanding!!!:lol:
Tisk tisk, veyr bad pics!!! Thats not a beer in the picture, or your drinking by far the nastiest beer on earth if its made with splenda....

Food Looks great!!!
Bradh728 said:
Tisk tisk, veyr bad pics!!! Thats not a beer in the picture, or your drinking by far the nastiest beer on earth if its made with splenda....

Food Looks great!!!

Can't get anything past ya Brad:lol: They were kind of a hit at the football game. Those that like spicy came back for more, those that only THOUGHT they liked spicy sat with mouths open and red-faced.'s not Drunken Chef so mandatory booze pics aren't necessary, and you did after all post pics albeit now after looking at them I can barely see the computer screen as I am now crosseyed.
For the attempt...I'd say BurFur gets the WIN!
Yeah, I saw on man v food where he took on those hab puppies with hab salsa....

You only had to eat 5 and about 1/2 cup salsa in 5 minutes. I didn't think it was a challenge, but a treat!
JohnJ ,

Those look great. Brings back old memories of my Great Grandmother ... "Granny a Go Go" . She didn't use habaneros of course. Hell we didn't even know about them way back when .... But she was the greatest at making hush puppies. Those were always served with some fresh caught fried cat fish . Also brought back visions of Mom's spoon bread.

Thanks for the recipe I'll to have a go at them soon.

P. Dreadie
JohnJBurfurkle said:
Hey all! Just saw pappywith4's catfish batter recipe on here, so I thought I'd throw a hushpuppy recipe out there to go with it. May be a repost, but I didn't see it. So here it is::)

2 cups self-rising cornmeal
1/2 cup self-rising flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1/2 cup grated onion
1/4 cup chopped bell pepper
1 cup buttermilk
2 medium eggs
12 fresh red and/or orange habanero pods thoroughly minced

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl and wisk thoroughly. Set to the side and do the same in a seperate bowl with all the wet ingredients. Mix two bowls together and wisk until mixed well. Adjust batter with a little more cornmeal or buttermilk depending on thickness. You want it to be very thick but not dry. Set mix to the side for 15-20 minutes to let it set up. This helps it make very crisp puppies (or so I'm told:lol:)

Heat deepfryer to 400 degrees. You can use 2 tablespoons to place batter into oil when it is heated enough to cook. Dip both spoons into the oil and then use the spoons to scoop out enough mix to fill spoon and then use other spoon to help shape mix and to help place mix into oil. Cook until golden brown and enjoy!!!

About how many does this recipe make?
JayT said:
About how many does this recipe make?

Thank you for bringing that oversight to my attention JayT. I'm getting about 15-20 large puppies on average. When my son is here, I also add 1/4 cup of melted butter to the mix cause he's a freak and likes them that way:lol:

"Granny A Go Go" must have been a wonderful woman P. Dreadie. I'm glad the recipe sparked those memories for ya.......very cool. I hope you enjoy them.
JohnJBurfurkle said:
Thank you for bringing that oversight to my attention JayT. I'm getting about 15-20 large puppies on average. When my son is here, I also add 1/4 cup of melted butter to the mix cause he's a freak and likes them that way:lol:

Thanks for the recipe JohnJ. I will be trying this one out soon. I think I may use Bhuts though and sabotage some friends.