food Habanero cole slaw

This is the easy method:
1 16 oz. bag of cole slaw
Habaneros, sliced thinnly and deseed (5 if making for non-chile heads, I used 30)

Now there are two slaw dressings I know of, creamy and sweet & sour (my favorite). I don't have a recipe for the creamy stuff that I like more than stuff I can buy at the store. But my sweet & sour one I like a lot:

1 cup cider vinegar
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup oil
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper (or more)

Mix all the ingredients together, work to keep the sugar dissolved. Add slaw and habaneros to a large plastic container with a lid, pour dressing over slaw, shake to mix, and wait at least 8 hours to blend the flavors (and the red coloring gets leached from the red cabbage and turns the dressing pink).
Thanks for posting. Sometimes (usually)the simplest recipies are the best. I plan on making some tomorrow since I just bought a bag of cole slaw mix at Costco today. Gonna try the sweet / sour dressing as that sounds intriguing to me.

The "store bought" creamy dressing is really good. The one I use is by Kraft and would be pretty hard to beat. I never have tried to duplicate it since it's so easy and convenient to just open a bottle and "pour it on".
I like both creamy and vinegar base -- I'll make vinegar one and put about 1-2 TBs of the BBQ sauce I made --- sounds good :drooling:
Well . . . I made a batch of Habanero Cole Slaw today and it was great. I also threw in a handful of raisins and diced up apple.

I made the mistake of sharing with my in-laws and consequently it was all eaten in one sitting. Now I have to make another batch for tomorrow as one of their out of town daughters is arriving for the holidays so have to make a double batch for the BBQ get together tomorow.

I have also been requested to make a batch without sugar for a couple diabetic folks that will be there. I plan on using Stevia for this. It will be interesting to see how that turns out.

Looks like "HabSlaw" is going to be a required staple added to the family "must have" list from now on at all the BBQ's and special occasions!
Canuk Pepperhead said:
the rest of my habs are either frozen or dehydrated...the frozen ones will be mushy as hell when unthawed..should that matter??

When i thaw mine out they're not too mushy, but then again, i mostly use the frozen ones for cooking, so you can't really tell how mushy they might have been when they're done cooking.