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Habanero Flowers Dropping Off!

Hello fellow pepperheads! I am new to these forums and have been reading alot over the past few days, and seems like you all know what your talking about.

I am having an issue with my habaneros. The flowers bloom then fall off. I have been watering 1 time a day around 6-7pm with a good drink. Weather during the day is 90-100*F. It's in a pot with miracle gro potting soil. I have done some research on this issue and I just can't seem to get anything to work. Any Ideas?

Sound pretty normal to me. I have over a 100 plants loaded with flowers over the past 1.5 months and no pods. Once it cools off they should pod up very nicely.
:welcome: to THP

Here's Willard's famous list of possible reasons for flower drop:

1. Day temp too high, over 95F
2. Night temp too low, under 65F
3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer
4. Too much water
5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).
6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)
7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).
8. Lack of pollinating insects[not really needed for chiles]
9. Size of pot
10. Too much mineral in feedwater.
11. Too much grower attention.

best of luck on your grow
what if during the few hottest hours out of the day I moved the plant into the shade, then when it cools down throw it back into sunlight. On average it would still get 9-10 hours of sunlight.
what if during the few hottest hours out of the day I moved the plant into the shade, then when it cools down throw it back into sunlight. On average it would still get 9-10 hours of sunlight.

Shade cloth works very well; my guess is the temps are too high. Here in Thailand we have the same problem and shade cloth is one solution. Cheers
I have 2 habneros in containers. I keep them undercover for 22 hours a day and they are in direct sunlight 2 hours a day. They are loaded with pods.

That is in South Texas heat.