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habanero hours of light?


Just had a quik question. How many hours a day should I have my lights on to grow a habanero from seed into production. 16 hours?

Any help would be great.

Also how about cayenne? same? if I brought a producing cayenne or a hab in from my fall frost, how long can it stay in production under the lights?

Thanks in advance.
Peppers are day-neutral, if the lights are strong enough they will keep producing under every time schedule.
12/12 is the minimum for decent production and growth speed imho.


Right now all I have is a 150w hps. I know MH is ideal. I am thinking I am just going to bring a started hab in from the fall and let it keep producing under the 150w hps.

After say a few months of producing fruits will it ever stop? Or as long as temp is good and light is going will it just keep going?

I believe as long as conditions stay proper, it should produce indefinitely. I ran mine on 18/6 and even 20/4 at one point over the winter and was rewarded with fantastic growth, and I was only using CFLs.
not sure how many pods i can get. I've got over a hundred plants in my attic. Iv'e got a 400 watt light running on a light rail.
The 150w light may not be intense enough to penetrate into the canapy. You'll lose most of your lower growth and be left with top growth only.
I would take healthy branch cuttings and start some clones in rockwool. You'd end up with compact indoor plants that will thrive when brought outdoors in the spring. When figuring the cost of electric for 18 hrs for a few months......if habs are what you want why not hook up with a produce manager and have a case two ordered during the off-season.
My outdoor growing season ends in November, I overwinter 20+ plants indoors but my lights don't get turned on until December. That's mainly to start indoor lettuce and herbs. I have in the past grown clones through the winter, which have produced fruit indoors and continued on outdoors, but nowadays the OW process is so simple and full proof that I don't even bother with the cuttings.
There's one other downside to bringing an outdoor plant inside. Unless you repot into new potting soil and a Clean pot you can wind up with a number of pest issues. Soil parasites can cause White flies to appear, fungal gnats and less common and the least wanted are the "Aphids"
Weigh out the situation, and do what's best for you......good luck

Thanks you changed my mind!!!!!

I will just use it to make a bunch of cuttings and make a new garden outside where I am doing all of this at.

A reflective grow chamber that reflects back light from top and sides can help keep the bottom leaves productive, and make more out of what light there is. I use a double-wall (two layers, one lets a lot of light through) mylar over cardboard panels, the type of material often sold as emergency solar blankets, you can get a 10 pack of those for about $10 on Amazon when on sale.