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habanero or bell peppers by the first leaves on sprouts (pic's added)

i got seeds from Reimer (mistake!, they just was the first result on google, so noobi thinks its good)
i read a lot that what supposed to be Habanero became Bell pepper

its from two packages habanero gold and he other is chocolate
the sprouts are very different between two species
the golden leaves are more sharp at the tip
the chocolate leaves have a little collapse at the tip and a little purple tiny dots before true leaves grows
all golden/chocolate have same characters

this is the "golden" - leaves with sharp edge:

2 "golden" at the bottom Vs 1 chocolate up left: (you can see the diff')

"golden" - still sharp tip

chocolate - at the bottom (hhh not the dead on top)
you can see the leaves have a little collapse at the tip and a little purple tiny dots
(in the pic the gone white, its true purple)

"chocolate habanero"

so i guess that if they scam on me too, just one of the package can be bells ?
Post photos of the seedlings once they grow true leaves. I don't see how it's possible to identify them from the cotyledons..

To increase your odds I recommend getting seeds from another source.
Yep- I have 15 species of Chinense right now - it looks like all of them.

I'd put my money on habanero if that's the two options -

I find hotter Chinense grow slower, my 7 pots take FOREVER. :(

I imagine that's a months worth of growing ?